
LV 14
2020-06-26 入りました Global
バッジ 12

Moments 24
2 years ago

It must be 50 because the first explosion that he showed the lions was 2 meters. Then the one at the kobold camp was 10 meters. Hope that helps.

A mushroom cloud with a diameter of more than five meters formed in the sky!

My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Sci-fi · Catty Catty Catty

2 years ago


"…as for planting, I can use it to a temperature-controlled farm that won't be affected by pests, fluctuating weather conditions, or any external problems, just like the one in Stardew Valley!"

My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Sci-fi · Catty Catty Catty

3 years ago

Overlord's last sentence

Suddenly, a knot formed at the bottom of Daniel's throat. He looked at the champions reaction to the Overlord's la sentence, and immediately realized that the hostility the various domains felt towards one another had completely disappeared. A wall made of differently colored bricks had now formed a united front against a greater enemy.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to boiled_egg

Yeah, what is with all the overkill?

Daniel did not stop, and continued striking the same spot from which shreds of brain matter and blood soaked scales started to fly as a result of the constant pounding. When he finally stopped, little of the lizard's head was left intact, and its body had stopped moving.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to boom_boom_8806

The writer has made this exact error many times throughout the book.

"WHAT?! You want to start a fire with this heath?" Asked Lilith with shock.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to Laif

They knew he could be a champion, at least because he can more than hold his own in a fight, and they didn't let the Ancestor know; they unintentionally denied their champion was indeed a champion. In societies like this, they did a very bad thing.

Just as the Patriarch had imagined, this piece of information struck a chord in the Ancestor, who raised his hand and used it to cover his face, now twisted in anger. After a few moments spent twitching and trembling, he muttered, "a month.. You had him for a whole month." Before the Patriarch could ask what he meant, the ancestor uncovered his face, and repeated with an increasing degree of rage, "You had him for a whole month.. AND NOW YOU REPORT THIS TO ME!?"

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to Master_of_Sleep

It would be positive because of killing people who have negative karma.

Instead of the three options that his system would usually give him, there were only  two. The first option was the most radical option he could have ever thought of, and it said that if Daniel wanted to free himself from the dangers of carrying this mark, he would need to exterminate every blood cultivator in existence, whose numbers reached the billions.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago

tread, not thread.

"This can't be allowed to continue." Said one of the members of the government, who knew exactly how dangerous to their civilization, this discovery could be. Ideally, they would have used this method of cultivation to improve the power of the government, and gain an advantage against the invading civilization, but since there was no way for them to obtain it, only one path was left for them to thread. Destruction.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to InnerPeaceOhm

The writer has made this mistake before. There seems to be no improvement in grammar or spelling.

Known for not being a man of few words, this man shocked everyone as he pointed his sharp eyes at the Speaker, and said with a deep voice, "Father sent me. Kill whoever is possessing brother." 

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk

3 years ago
Replied to Laif

Apparently, it is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces. It has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices, and 120 edges. I Googled it; it looks very complex.

Many of these mental warriors had been called by their friends and relatives in order to observe the odd changes in the girl's avatar, and the only thing that was stopping them from kidnapping the girl to study her, was the odd presence of Aeron, whom in a world of simple triangles and squares, he appeared like a rhombicosidodecahedron.

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Sovereign of the Karmic System

Fantasy · SometimesITalk