

LV 4
2020-06-23 入りました Global
バッジ 3

Moments 81
1 years ago

Sorry for your loss, friend. I'm sure you remember a lot of things about her and things that you did together, don't forget those, keep them in your heart. We understand you are grieving so please, do not force yourself to write if you're unable, take a break even. Loss is not easy and will never be. Thank you for your hard work, prayers and well-wishes to you and your family.

1 years ago

Knowing the end draws near makes me feel a lot of things. I can't wait to reread this all over again and fall in love with it once more. Thank you very much Author- no, Ein. Thank you very much Ein for making such a masterpiece, it may not seem like it is to others but to me, someone who has read it from the first chapter and waited for every release afterwards, it is an exceptional literary work. I hope you keep up the good work.

1 years ago

First of all, I am sorry that you and your family has to go through this, I do not know what religion you follow or if you even follow one but know that you will be in my prayers. Second of all, Do not ever apologize to us for something that you could not control, we understand that you have a life behind the screen and your own problems and trials (to those who do not, let them rot). Lastly, Thank you, I know that you are currently facing a very hard time with your family with the news but you still came out and told us all about it and explained why chapters have not yet been written, this shows that you're dedicated to both your readers and your work. I love you man (or woman, or person), keep safe. Remember that the rainbow never comes before the rain but only comes out after it.

1 years ago
Replied to Daoistof34

It's another novel on webnovel, Goddess Of Ice. It's a wonderful read.

Now I just need to track it and I will have the coordinates to Soul Society. Then, I can just take a peek and see what the big deal is.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

1 years ago

You as well dear Author, be sure to take care of yourself.

I hope you continue to look forward to the next chapter of this story, and may you all have a nice day!

Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers

Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers

Anime & Comics · Feniurme

1 years ago

That's actually a good guess on his part. Since our boy turns into a crow, and crows are typically tied with bad luck or bad omens in fiction, myth and folklore.

Capone Bege narrowed his eyes as the air around him changed, entering his Don persona, "Your unlucky nature is in fact a result of your Devil Fruit or something of similar nature. Perhaps it's a cost of having such a power, for you at least."

One Piece: Limitlessness

One Piece: Limitlessness

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

1 years ago
Replied to Alex_Santo

A Vtuber under Nijisanji EN by the name of Finana Ryugu.

'I'm sure of it... Fianna was known for a power that was kept deep within her soul... a power which allowed her to fight so so potent, that even Dim who merely inherited its leftovers, was able to manifest it in his reincarnation via the skill "Dia Fianna"...'

Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers

Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers

Anime & Comics · Feniurme

1 years ago

I've actually made a character and tried to use this sort of quirk in an RP once, I needed to limit it so much because my first draft was too overpowered. At the end, I made it so that he can only control one part of his very small territory at a time. Ah, the good old days. And yes, I know no one asked and I apologize for that.

Furrowing his brows slightly, Izuku revealed, "Pendragon's Quirk is even more ridiculous. Its name has never been publicized, but it allows her to establish a territory, and everything within that territory is basically under her control. The full range of her abilities is unknown, but the effect that pretty much everyone knows about is that she can teleport others freely, be they friend or foe."

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion

1 years ago

No worries, we all have lives behind the screen. Thank you very much for the chapter that you have delivered, friend.

(A/N: That Prodigy Perk seems incredibly broken. Also, sorry for the late chapter. I had some personal matters to attend to yesterday.)

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion