Thankfully, my laptop only has a small crack, and nothing worse happened. The doctors say they'll discharge me tomorrow, but for now, I've been told to rest. My head is hurting, and I can't look at screens much because it makes it worse. I am seeing improvements, though, so I should be able to start translating tomorrow. Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry for not being able to upload.
Movies · GreekGreenGlass
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair
Best book in my thousands of hours of reading have read ever. 10/10 great author
Avatar the Last Air Bender
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
Lots of fun things planed for those two...
Anime & Comics · samadomkv
By the way, don't forget to comment your thoughts opinions and whatever else you want. Don't have to be nice, say things you don't like and things you do. It's quite difficult writing a Pokemon fic, there's a lot you have to think about otherwise it just blows by fast! And yeah, yeah, I know about the slightly underdeveloped characters... I'm gonna write them out more carefully in the future and try to make them more REAL in a sense...
Anime & Comics · AgentMonke
Ok 👍🏽. Rest well, feel better soon!
Unlimited Blind Box At HxH
Anime & Comics · 0StolenDream0