

male LV 14

IT guy procrastinating.

2020-06-13 入りました Global
バッジ 12

Moments 1497
3 days ago

didn't the system grant 1 attempt for each big realm/system update?

7 days ago
Replied to Rishav_Saha_1096

I'm not, but I've been a vegetarian for 13 years

Rapidash nodded her head, and so Pete used his freshly created veggie broth to make a bok choy soup with fried tofu cubes. Well, all the names were different, but Pete had found a plant that looked almost exactly like bok choy in the old couple's store earlier and immediately wanted to try using it with fried yoseban fruit pieces.

Pokemon: A life worth living

Pokemon: A life worth living

Video Games · Nuclide

7 days ago
Replied to Zarracki

according to the HP Wiki, the disarming charm is in the Standard Book of Spells Grade 2 and therefore part of the year 2 charms curriculum


"Try the disarming charm and the dancing feet jinx," the diminutive professor ordered, betraying no emotion at all.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

7 days ago
Replied to Zarracki

work, like with magic or something? 🤓

"Usually, if you can't find salt rocks and didn't bring any salt with you, I would suggest you try to find these herbs," Hagrid offered as he took several small bundles of herbs from one of his many pockets to pass around.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

7 days ago
Replied to Zarracki

movie said seeker, books never confirmed it either way (I think) and when I wrote that I was referencing a JKR interview where she said James was a chaser

I didn't know how to get that thinking out of him, so I was actually quite glad that it happened on its own. Likely because McGonagall, the old Quidditch fanatic, kept gushing about what an amazing chaser his father had been. A once a century prodigy who won them all five house cups during his tenure as the team captain.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

18 days ago
Replied to Jordon_B

sunny day does not work at night unless the pokemon in question is a legendary capable of briefly creating an artificial sun in my world

20 days ago
Replied to Leirbagfcb

nope, got some personal stuff going on, I'll try and get a chapter out this week, no promises though

22 days ago
Replied to LastGod

yelling with a pen

24 days ago
Replied to Zane_Tam

world of warcraft mages were the inspiration

"Okay, let's ignore her for a little. She is already working on that 'blink' spell you asked for," Hufflepuff suddenly said from next to me. "Helena told us you intend to reap knowledge from the soul shards with Legilimency."

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

24 days ago
Replied to Tobirama_uchiha777

yeah, I made up that Dumbledore is chief warlock, has tens of people owing him favors to be used at exactly moments like these, and is headmaster at the school that the person awarded with the opportunity to enter the vaults is attending :)

"A fancy drinking cup. Always wanted to drink in style," I said with a small smile. Lying about what it was sadly wasn't possible. Dumbledore held the Elder Wand, and according to Lara and Heimdall, it was part of Excalibur, and no lie could escape the wielder of Excalibur. I didn't want the headmaster to get suspicious and inspect the item.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

  • A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore) original

    A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)



    Harry Potter with many changes to canon. Hogwarts doesn't start at 11 but three years later and that is by far the biggest change, which brings many other changes naturally with it. First years are older and more mature, but also more headstrong and set in their ways. Seventh years are 20-22 and therefore pretty much college-aged. Harry will have lived with his abusive relatives for three more years. Hermione will be more socially awkward at first, but also more determined to be smarter than everyone. Ron will be more of an insufferable twat because he was with his twin brothers for longer. ----- My MC will be born with knowledge of the Harry Potter franchise and, which he will find out gradually, a special bloodline. He will not have knowledge of the Assassin's Creed games, but I will tell you now, he will have the Isu bloodline like Altair, Ezio, and Desmond - just from a different Isu 'god'. Geographically, I settled on the Norse Pantheon instead of the Roman one like Desmond's lineage, and his magic gives my MC the natural ability to dream of the lives of his ancestors, so he doesn't need an Animus to do it. Any AC plotlines will come much, much later. The modern brotherhood and the templars will not be outwardly knowledgeable about magic, because I don't care to write all the consequences that would bring with it. But the Mentor (leader of the Brotherhood) and the Templar Council will probably know about magic regardless. (Just don't think about it.) MC will hate Dumbledore and fully assumes him to be a secret Dark Lord, which might or might not be true - but by the circumstances of his birth and upbringing, Dumbledore will have certainly earned the animosity the MC feels. All rights to the story's many elements like Harry Potter and the Assassin's Creed lore belong to their respective owners.

    83 Chs 5.2k お気に入り

  • Pokemon: A life worth living original

    Pokemon: A life worth living



    Pete was an ordinary guy. He didn't get out much. But he had a decent job and hobbies that kept him busy. And a brother that he could rely on and so Pete was content with how his life was going. Well, until he made a robot that killed him. Yeah, it totally wasn't his own fault. Turns out, the afterlife would have to wait a little longer to claim his soul. And so he is sent to a world he created as a hobby novelist and fan fiction writer. He took the pokemon world and gave it a dash of realism. Anything that made sense to HIM was changed about the pokemon world. And that's the world he is about to be thrown into. With no mission, no goal. All he should do is live a life worth living. __________________________________________________ I'm kinda just writing this after I read one too many pokemon fanfics (god I love Borne of Caution) and I wanted something that didn't revolve around Ash or someone replacing him to become the next poke champ. I have a few plotlines ready, but I'm not even fully sold on all the pokemon I want to add. Definitely taking suggestions, though keep it non-legendary and preferably Gen I-III (because that's where he lives. The MC can't keep getting lucky finding all the super rare pokemon from regions halfway across the globe) Taking suggestions on the female lead, too. Comment in the MC POV chapter at the end or leave a review with your top 3 pokemon waifus. If I see a Vaporeon there I'll drop this fanfic (possibly). So my MC will likely choose farming and/or breeding as a profession, probably a good amount of research sprinkled in on the side. It's what I would do for sure and this is pretty much a self-insert. Even the MC's name is a play on my real name. There's no levels, no system, no talent-tiers. Sure there are pokemon with higher and lower talents, but no egghead sat their butt down and color-coded it all in my world. This is my take on what reality with pokemon would look like in the pokemon world. The MC is starting in Kanto (on route 27 just between Kanto and Johto), but will open up his farm in Johto. That's Gen2. I'll start with chapters that have 3k+++ words, but eventually it will go down to 1.5-2k I reckon. Still trying to catch some motivation to continue my other 2 fics. And honestly I'm just procrastinating my original story with this... #slowpaced #no-really-it-is-very-slow-paced #NOpokefuta #human-human-relationship-only (you degenerates) #farming #nosystem #PokemonAU #Reuniclus-is-GOAT #conspiracies May Arceus bless us all. All rights to Pokémon go to the Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Game Freak and other related companies.

    116 Chs 6.9k お気に入り

  • LATV: The Life of Detective Ben Weiss original

    LATV: The Life of Detective Ben Weiss



    In a world where several TV shows co-exist, Ben Weiss - the MC of this story and a man born and raised in this same world - is part of the Los Angeles Police Department. After a long 5 year undercover op, he rejoins the LAPD in 2017 and has several encounters with characters from all walks of life. Along the way, the consequences from his undercover operation as well as his joining the force again results in Ben finding plenty of action everywhere he looks. ----- Chapter length is 3-4.5k and be warned, I'm playing around a little with the writing styles in the chapters to find different ways to put a story on paper (digital or otherwise). Female lead will not be Haley Dunphy, just his first actual love interest. No fully written sex scenes, but romance will not be fully ignored despite the fast pace I intend to write the story in once the MC settles into his life. I will include a bunch of OCs using the first name of every actor for less confusion, and I will put the casting choices I have in mind in small author notes when I do. Few of them will actually be truly important - but for reoccuring characters like a few doctors for example, I'll try and find cool casting choices. I will include various shows and that brings a bunch of potential problems for continuity with it. I'm doing the best I can to make everything line up - like for example the Grammy Awards mentioned in S.W.A.T. S1E8 - they will still happen in New York Jan 28, 2018 with Ben being present because of a plotline I created. But if I mess something up like a detail from one of the Halloween episodes of one of the shows happening a year before or after... so be it. A lot of the shows barely mention any dates, so I can only try and match everything to Holidays like Christmas or Valentines for example... sometimes the year can only be matched by looking at the release date of a season. ----- Disclaimer: I am not from the US. I am not in law enforcement. So anything that seems highly unlikely to be something that could actually happen (like the very premise that Ben was undercover for 3 years without anyone knowing) should either be excused or this novel is not for you. I'm doing a bunch of research to make sure the places and facts surrounding locations and events match, but if you're from LA or have been to the city a bunch of times or you're in law enforcement... just correct me if I'm wrong. I've only been in LA once in my life and have a cop step-brother (in a different country). Furthermore, I don't own the rights to any of the characters or shows that I will clearly indicate where appropriate. None of the actors I mentioned as casting choices have agreed to appear as the characters I envisioned them for and are associated to this work of fiction. Shows included so far: S.W.A.T. The Rookie Modern Family Private Practice (1 of the doctors / plot of my fic is long after the show ended) Scrubs (2 characters / plot of my fic is long after the show ended) Shows that will be included, briefly or otherwise: Brooklyn 99 Big Bang Theory Castle (post canon since S8 ends 2016) Shows that are considered (maybe for just a character or two): Bosch Lincoln Lawyer New Girl NCIS: LA Law&Order: SVU The Blacklist LA's Finest (just to get Jessica Alba into the mix) She-Hulk (just kidding - ugh) Give me suggestions for other shows if you have them!

    35 Chs 1.4k お気に入り

  • Vial of Sunshine: Professor at Hogwarts original

    Vial of Sunshine: Professor at Hogwarts



    This is an AU Harry Potter fanfic of a Hufflepuff student turned teacher starting in year 3 of canon. The protagonist will not single-handedly gather all horcruxes and defeat Voldemort in wandless battle while beating all the death eaters present with a glance. The progress against the Death Eaters will be logically sound (in my head anyway) advancement. Their defeat will come at the hands at someone who thinks about what he does and luck - though luck through actions the MC takes that make sense. No reincarnation or prior knowledge of the story, no system or cheat. No harem, possibly a complicated love triangle at most. The MC will however work against the death eaters due to a personal grudge by working as a vigilante. Ash Starkey or Ashbert Solaris Starkey (the magic of 7s is in the name length) is a pureblood wizard who should have died in the First Wizarding war but survived by visiting a maternal uncle for the birth of his cousin in February 1981. His paternal family gets wiped out at the same time due to the betrayal of an estranged uncle turned death eater, making him the last of his name. Ash's great grandmother discovers his prodigious talent in potions early on and teaches him all she knows. Later taught by a hag and 2 potion masters, one of whom is his great grandmother, Ash uses his immense potioneering skill to achieve his Outstanding with distinction N.E.W.T.s and following potion master accreditation in the same year as his O.W.L.s in and after his fifth year in Hogwarts. As prefect, he starts the famous Exchange Hall in his fourth year. A place where seniors are invited to share their knowledge and help out their juniors in spell works and potioneering. In the summer before his sixth year, the Hufflepuff prefect meets Hermione and Harry of the golden trio while working in a potion ingredient shop in Diagon Alley and gets introduced to the lackluster efforts of showing muggle raised students the wonders, common sense and knowledge of the magical world. A lackluster effort he strives to turn into something better. Starting from a map for first time customers in Diagon Alley for first years to voluntary introductary study groups in Hogwarts where he explains common sense of the wizarding world to students in non-magical households. This fanfic will not follow the plot of the books closely and rather than focus on Harry and his 2 friends, I will try to fill in the gaps of the original works and do a bit of world building. Among other things, I will introduce and expand on the concept of family magics, expand the world outside of Magical Britain and try and create other magical professions that aren't the 7 mentioned in the book: auror, professor, ministry employee, dragon wrangler, shopkeeper, Rita Skeeter and whoever else supposedly works at the Prophet and curse breaker at Gringotts. DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter and all its characters and universe belong to the author J.K.Rowling, who is not me.

    32 Chs 1.2k お気に入り

  • Whims of Chaos original

    Whims of Chaos


    Adam, an incarnation of chaos with too much time on his hands, grabbed a random soul from the well of souls and continuously reincarnates said soul over and over again. The soul grows with every life and eventually grows strong enough to retain its past memories. Without ever finding out why Adam would even bother with him. All his lives tend to end early and he would quickly find out that remembering his past isn't quite the blessing he thought it was. Especially since Adam seemingly cursed his very existence to an early death every time. What meaning can you give life if your life is short? Yet at the same time unending? Will meaningful connections only hurt in the long run? And why would Adam want this soul to grow stronger? In the prologue, Dave's soul reconnects with his wayward sister at Greendale College. After dying before the age of 30 once more, Adam decides to chuck the soul into the world of OnePiece. And that's where the story officially starts. _________________________________ Let's see where his next life will get him to. Start is in Colora USA with the cast of the show Community. Travels to OnePiece during Enies Lobby arc, so before the timeskip. Next world already decided and already foreshadowed by chapter OP C07. So far the word count average is 5.5k words, so big long juicy chapters. New chapters might take a while in the future. Disclaimer: I don't presume to owning any rights to the works I copy. All rights belong to the original owners and I make no money from this.

    16 Chs 124 お気に入り

  • What if... Thor had a son? (MCU AU) original

    What if... Thor had a son? (MCU AU)



    What if... Thor had a son? I wondered how Amora could be a part of the MCU but at the same time not. She is one of the better antagonists of the Thor comics and since often her actions in the comics are out of self-preservation or greed and not outright evil for evil's sake (well in the plots I like her in anyway) I decided to put her into the MCU just like that. A selfish person who wanted to save her own life, no matter the consequences. The MCU and Thor especially have a comedic outlook on most things anyway, so why not on this 'villain', too. Well, after having a son, she gave up her life anyway. I think I came up with a good reason. The MC, who starts off as a young teenager in the first arc, and a valkyrie acting as his caretaker, together with an uru sword and golden apples of Idunn are the only 'OC's I will put into the MCU at the start. Amora will have left a footprint in the world too, but nothing 'big'. I was really torn between using a valkyrie or Alison Blaire aka Dazzler (similar power origin as Wanda and Pietro, no x-gene). I decided on a valkyrie, because I couldn't figure out how to put in Dazzler without her becoming a love interest and I didn't want an 'OC' to be the love interest and this won't be a harem story. How a 1600++ year old woman won't fall for a boy she changed the diapers of, now that I can explain. (Since Amora is a part of this universe, that is how I will explain how more than 1 valkyrie [Brunnhilde/Val] survived the banishment of Hela. And ultimately she will be a background character anyway.) I think I came up with a good reason for Amora to seduce Thor, birth a son (though unplanned) and her subsequent death that ties in excellent with how the MC will interact with Asgard and the world as whole (well in my head anyway). The story will come in 'arcs' following the movie timeline of the MCU. Where appropriate, I might sprinkle in some interludes between the movie plots or for movies I won't add a full arc. But all in all, this will be a rather fast-paced novel. Consider this world Earth-199999-c, because that way, the plot of Multiverse of Madness can still happen, even if I change up the Wanda-Vision dynamic (undecided yet). 3.3k+ words/chapter average Disclaimer: All rights to the MCU belong to Disney and Marvel (and Sony since I will mention Spider-Man), I merely added an OC and his influence on this world others have created.

    37 Chs 3.4k お気に入り