

LV 14
2020-06-12 入りました Global
バッジ 12

Moments 37
3 months ago

Actually pretty good and original (up to chapter 28). Based in greek Mythologie and slowly getting sidelined duo through the butterfly effect is it different and feels fresh from the usual novels and it generally has some good ideas. I have high hopes for this Book that its getting more and more interesting.

2 years ago

I really hope that the novel doesent goes astrey with Human good other races Bad, then while the atrocities the demons are commiting are terrible Humans are doing the same. Taking demons as pets (slaves), breeding and eating intelligent "demons" and generally suppressing them based on a false history the Human Emperor made. I always hate the hypocrasy from Human good when there eat/harm beasts but for beasts there evil when there eat Human. Please let the World be gray without the hypocrasy

2 years ago
Replied to Kralle_2

Maybe, but i doesent get the feeling that its about how there use there powers and more of the fact that he is angry that there more Popular and privilegiert than him. Since in the 1 chapter he curses the deviants just because there get more attention than him. Sure maybe in the later chapters that gets more explaint but currently it just feels like he is an arogant narcisting asshole and i cant countinue like that.

2 years ago

i am normally someone who likes anti-hero/villan mcs but the MC here is just an hypocrikal asshole. He blames the World for unfair treatment towards the devians/ powerfull but it from one of the most privilegiert and powerful familys of the world and he comes over as an hypocrit through his actions since he feels like a arrogant asshole. Why must in every chapter atleast one time mentions that the MC has a perfekt body and looks sexy af. That reinforces the idea that he is just a privilegiert hypocrit. Admittently i didnt read very far, but i cant eead a story about an mc fight for equality when the MC is the most privilegiert of them all.

2 years ago
Replied to AustinSargent

the Training by the adventurers guild leveled him up

My Necromancer Class

My Necromancer Class

Fantasy · Aero182

2 years ago

WHO CARES IF YOU KNEEL OR NOT. Pride is one of the most useless Things in the World

I'm not like those braindead protagonists who scream 'I will only kneel to god and my parents, no one else shall make me kneel!'

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 years ago

ok i love mcs who are can take abuse and hides his abilities, so i liked the First book and was thrilled for the second but there it just gets boring and the MC gets way too arrogant with his comments. -All the classmate where introducest in 5 chapters of info-dumbs where there were introduct, showed there abilities and then came the next. from all 16 i remember like 5 ( nothing meaningfull is addet through this.) -The ability too make a Checkpoint and go back in time is super OP, but the MC never uses it besides small pranks and beating up others. ...okay he sets quite a few safes but never uses them and even then he just sets them like direktly before the fights and never just every Morning or before major Events Why?? BECAUSE HE LITERALLY IS TOO BORED TOO GO THROUGH THE SAME DAY TWICE OR JUST WAIT A COUPLE HOURS. (he Personaly sayt that) Seriously its infouriating how he is wasting this OP ability because he is too lazy to wait - Why must every MC on this Website either be a naive good guy or an arrogant asshole who cant take a Single loss. i read this book because i expected a calm MC who can just shrug a loss and hide his abilities because there dont care about the opinions of others and look at the big picture. Sure that is Personal but that is the most important stuff for me and i expected that from the begining chapters and synopsis. I can look away from every other Problem but why must the MC always make arrogant Comments about everyone and why cant he just take a loss in the duel ? Why cant there just shrugg it off and look at the big picture since there it dont matter if he wins or losses.. Besides this Problems the book is fine and if you like arrogant mcs who make snarky Comments about everythink then you will like it... it just isnt for me.

2 years ago

Or the Daily life of a typical game developer in the 21 century , shortly before Release

One could say this became the daily routine of the man named Simon.

Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Fantasy · ViciousPepper

2 years ago
Replied to Kralle_2

PS: Sorry about the rant over the sect stuff it just ruines so many good low-key novels and im just tilted about it. Does anyone knows a good low-key novel whitout the annoying arrogant sect stuff.