Long_Live_The_King - Profile



LV 3

Long Live The King

2020-05-31 入りました Zimbabwe

バッジ 4

Moments 299


Por kid

There is a girl that I like ... well ... I think that ... and I would like your advice...

Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

Anime & Comics · Meralman

Replied to swordzero

First and foremost, I think I should clarify that Soul only writes solely and exclusively for fun. He charges absolutely nothing to write, has no paetrol and has no contract so the novel cannot be the path of his life. Some of us have family, friends, work and problems that do not fix or pay for themselves, so we cannot be all the time pending a story that we write to share our ideas with others and get a laugh or some feeling out of them. In that sense Soul if he responds to the comments or reviews of his readers, I am a witness to that because I like to read comments and reviews when I'm not busy (they get a laugh). On the other hand, if you mean all those comments that only ask for Leo's return to the first scene then I can only tell you that Soul got tired of spending his free time repeating the same thing (those of us who have little should treasure it). The story has already been planned but you just ask over and over for the MC as if the author owed you something. They should only understand that Soul does not intend to change his plans for the novel no matter how much they insist, the story will be as he conceived it is his right as the author. When I read the novel and then I look at the comments I feel a tightness in my chest, it is the feeling that my fellow readers do not know what shame is when they complain to Soul for creating her story when he does so much for her even though he does not you get nothing (I say this because in AM DxD there are many things that obviously did not come off the air, they are not plagiarism and it took the author's research to write about them, so much work just for a hobby thanks to which we enjoy). Because he cares about the story, he has not responded to those comments anymore, it makes me nauseous just imagining the stress I would feel if after finishing dealing with your affairs in real life (home, work, family) you have to respond to a horde of 'inept' (it's the only thing I can think of for these people who only repeat a chorus with the same stressful symphony). Before having to go through that I would move to another more relaxed page like Wattpad and start another story. The level of inconsideration of readers in Webnovel is alarming because they do not consider the story, its characters or the author, they only respond to their personal satisfaction as they are unable to even give the required property in their reviews or comments (you are a clear example) Maybe I'm the weird one because my parents taught me to think about others and I don't do it less even if it's through a monitor? The Konosuba arc will continue as long as it needs to continue, time in which I will continue to laugh at that world of idiots and strangers. The author does not need to do anything about how irritated those who are unable to enjoy what he writes feel. He does not owe anyone anything and if you do not enjoy a good story then looks for something that suits your tastes of someone you can afford with the non-existent reward of the power stones. If all those who like you follow a path of selfishness left it would be much more enjoyable for those of us than if we had fun. Finally I can only tell you that if Soul really was a bad author then he would delete shitty comments (like yours for example) just like a certain author of Infiniti Path does.
