His inner gamer was screaming at Ren that he was a complete moron for not bending Hinata or Ino over the desk yet, but cooler, upper heads prevailed. He was their amazing teacher. How could he even show them that technique?
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
The changing of the locks and stopping of all payments to people Harry didn't personally bring into the bank had ended her rich ride. Just as it had for the Weasely clan and for Robindore and his Order of the Hood.
Book&Literature · LordSilvere
Letting Hinata to her own devices with the scroll, Ren turned back to Ino and froze on the spot when he saw her making out with it. Awkwardly clearing his throat... did not help. Both Inos just released small muffled moans.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
He did contemplate for a moment if it would be worth it. He was interested in Orochimaru's cursed seal but meeting a psycho like Anko... Ren wasn't very enthusiastic about it.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
that is absolutely heinous, I love hate it
Oh, and that Sasuke was clearly gay.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Sasuke snorts. "You have spares."
Anime & Comics · Doppins
Naturally, there is more interesting fun in Kushina's body.
Naruto: I'm Nine-Tails and My Host is Kushina
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21