3- Dacey Mormont (future Dovahkiin)
TV · Caio_Bernardo
All these moments with thena and she isn’ t the one😭
A/N: Sorry for not uploading lately, I've been travelling. btw, I thought Thena would dominate the vote, turns out, it has competition... I'll be honest, I put Hela there just for the hell of it, I haven't got any plans for her to appear in the story... so we'll see later.
Movies · mark_kiple
Just 1 plz
6. Harem/ Non-harem. Let your degeneracy show ig? This is wish-fulfillment after all. To be perfectly frank, I am not that great when it comes to lemons, so a pokemon harem is probably a big no-no (depends on how long this fic gets). But I am not that great when it comes to romance as well. so the people who like just one girl for a deep romantic relationship, I will not be able to do that as well, I am sorry. (Actually, I will not focus on the girls all that much I think, depends on the feedback, so harem/non-harem, shouldn't be a big deal breaker, because I wouldn't focus much on either aspects.)
TV · Perusing_Gypsy
And sin lord is any better??😭
"Sin Lord," he said finally.
Marvel: Sin Lord
Anime & Comics · Eldarking