Symt - Profile



female LV 14

Romantic and mysterious

2020-05-02 入りました Côte d’Ivoire

バッジ 17

Moments 512


Yes you are being a good girl, watching daddy fight bad guys quietly


Doudou hugged Earth Needle and quickly ran back to sit down by his side.

Urban Supreme Doctor Daddy

Urban Supreme Doctor Daddy

Urban · Who The Dusk


You are so right you will be dead by now even though you are as vicious as a poisonous snake


If Shen Zhou hadn't leaped down to save her, she would have been bitten to death by snakes by now.

Urban Supreme Doctor Daddy

Urban Supreme Doctor Daddy

Urban · Who The Dusk


No She doesn’t have to


"You are my wife and there is nothing wrong with doing this with me. Since I want it, you will have to agree with me. That's what every good girl does." Fu Hua said as he slowly leaned in to kiss her lips and cheeks.

The Hidden Wife Of The Cold CEO

The Hidden Wife Of The Cold CEO

Urban · Paschalinelily


So Cute 🥰 what happened next


His face was disappointed with the answer but looked at her with pleading eyes.

Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Urban · peacock_writer


So great, a beautiful picture thank you author for this great novel 😭🥹🥰

Just then, Yu Seok walked back into the private room and hugged his wife from behind with one arm, placing a small peck on her shoulder as he held her around the waist, as he held his other treasure in the other arm. With a smile, Xie Eun placed her hands on his entwining her fingers through his as they both stared at the beautiful picture and little Aika stared at her parents with wide eyes.

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


That is too beautiful, lovely and romantic 🥰


Xie Eun stared at the many photographs that surrounded her in this room. These were, she was sure part of his private collection. And these pictures were also a summation of their own life. She caressed the picture that she held closest to her heart. It was their little Aika's hand when she was a day old. Cradling Aika's hand was hers and Yu Seok's hand as Xie Eun had clicked the photograph single handedly. The picture was once again titled aptly as 'Lovesong' .. Xie Eun hugged herself as she felt a chill through her. The Assistant Curator Miss Louis had congratulated her as she explained how her photographs had been praised for their artistic views and most of the members had tried to out bid each other. As she pondered this there was another thought in her head. She shook her head as she wondered of the greedy human nature. She had just told Yu Seok that all her dreams had been fulfilled but she already had another dream now. One that she was going to need a life long time to fulfill. The dream of a beautiful life with her Yu Seok...

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


Grandpa how do you know so well your second grandson even after being apart for so long 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No play Yu Seok will avenge his wifey 😅


Elder Yoo glanced at the screen where his Daughter in law still pointed the gun at the brat and smiled contentedly..Atleast the brat had some sense and did not try to use his combat training against her. Because even if she was good,if Yoo Shiro had attacked her then she would have lost but maybe hurt herself in the process of defending herself...And if she had been harmed,Yu Seok would have killed Yoo Shiro and fed him to the tigers..

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


Exactly thank you for the best description, you are so smart Si Jing.


The tall glass of Iced coffee,soothed Xie Eun's nerves and she could feel herself salivate as she looked at it.It looked really delicious.She promised herself that she would go and ask for the CEO after she had this tasty treat.Just as she was about to take a sip, a shadow fell across the table. Frowning, she looked up and was stunned to see Si Jing standing in front of her...Immediately all the peaceful feelings evaporated and her body stiffened while her eyes turned hostile. But the next moment, she composed herself and calmly turned her head away to take a sip of her coffee, ignoring the man in front of her. It was as if they were strangers. This behaviour of hers caused Si Jing to feel pain in his heart.She used to light up like a Christmas tree when she saw him in the past.But today she behaved as if she had seen something disgusting and smelly.(Author:So you have some self awareness, Young Master Su?).

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


What is it what I think Yu Seok is Wolf 🐺 impersonating a student to be close to his wifey 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Disappointed at her own imagination,Xie Eun decided to close her eyes and sort her thoughts during this journey.With Yu Seok by her side, she did not need to worry about anything and could let her mind wander.Placing her head on his shoulders, she closed her eyes and thought of how to face things that she had been hiding from over these two years. Her stressed mind slowly relaxed and her last thought was of the green eyes that had glittered at her from behind the mask and even in sleep she could only marvel that she knew two people with green eyes and yet their gazes were so different...Of only she had opened her eyes at this moment, she would have seen the green eyes of the man next to her and seen for herself that they were not so different....

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


Aww I hope the father-in-law will see more days. Good job son-in-law for taking care of your wife 👍


Since her father had spoken, Xie Eun turned her head and climbed into the car her 'husband' had prepared for their marriage.

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Urban · har_k


But sold to WHO?? MYSTERY To find out in the next episode


Denise smiled at the sudden silence and said, "Going once, going twice, SOLD!"

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna


Don’t worry she has already chosen YOU 😆😆😆


He suddenly felt pity for Keira to be a part of such a set-up at a young age. How nice would it be if she could enjoy her youth first, then choose someone on her own will?

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna


I knew it and I said it but KEIRA DID NOT BELIEVE ME. He was distracted by HER


That time he was not quite himself because he was too distracted while he carried Keira in his arms. There was something weird about him that time, but he quickly diminished those thoughts and the weird feeling it brought.

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna


Being distracted by a Goddess name KEIRA, computer sorry 😅


Zach was staring at his laptop with a blank expression for a while already.

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna


That is what I thought it is important as a soldier


'Attentiveness…Alertness… Nice one. Good job Keira!' She thought with a grin, feeling proud that she was listening intently to the introduction for the first time because she never did in her previous school before.

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna


Affirmatively, it is the first evaluation to be able to listen well instructions and follow through effectively at a fast speed as a soldier


"What the heck of an introduction! I feel like it's already an exam!" Hissed and murmured some of the applicants who did not get well their assigned rooms as they scratched their heads and walked toward the exit gate of the Military School.

The General Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna
