honestly this mc is either stupid or really wants to make it like he is doing something when he isn't. how hard is it to steal a book from a little girl just wait till she's alone and take it or stun her from behind and take it. hell he can prolly get an animal to steal it from her while she sleeps or even just wait for her near the toilet
that ain't hate that was valid author legit agreed when he went back and reread the story cause it was stupid and annoying
"Yep. I'll be teaching you something new in addition to learning to fight as well." He said. "I'm sure you've noticed by now that my body is a lot stronger than normal?" He stated more than asked.
Book&Literature · Lozz
looking forward to reading the rest on patreon
thanks for the chapter
thanks for the chapter can't wait for more
I mean I doubt that would of stopped Voldemort considering he believed the prophecy he would just hunt them down and find them easily the fiddelus was the right choice just the wrong person to trust
Minerva grabbed her wand; she knew this could easily get really bad. "Harry, please calm down. Your mother wouldn't have wanted this," Minerva pleaded loudly.
Book&Literature · Drinnor
I mean Basilisk venom can also destroy horcruxes so it isn't really a big jump considering they are both XXXXX level creatures and both of them have poison/venom
Itisa looked back at Harry before looking back at the scar; every time she looked at the scar, she growled, baring her teeth. Harry wondered what was wrong; when she suddenly opened her mouth, purple breath accumulated in her throat, and she suddenly released a tiny bit. Harry watched as the purple breath entered his nose, but nothing happened.
Book&Literature · Drinnor
I can't find ur patreon if u can give me the link I'd appreciate it I wanna read more of this
thanks for the chapter can't wait for more
HP: god of potions
Others · Bulale_Abali