Medusa13 - Profile


LV 15
2020-03-31 入りました Global

バッジ 39

Moments 65

Replied to Anime_Lover_66


"Calm down, Takeshi, violence is not the solution!!!" exclaimed Sora as he held back his enraged friend.

Starting by creating Agumon and Gabumon in DxD

Starting by creating Agumon and Gabumon in DxD

Anime & Comics · Haluo

Replied to Akros_Zero

I'm talking about the things that can't be explained and people make a big deal about

(Author's Note: For those who are going to say what is this b*llsh*t that I just wrote? Migh tower and stuff, let it be known that it is canon, not something I randomly made up, it is present in the MHA side series MHA Viliginate, which while I have not read considering it has 125 chapters, I have searched about it enough in Google, after getting roasted by a certain sarcastic Author, whose half of points were invalid I have decided to at least search the information I can from Google at least, there might be plotholes since I am not reading the series but this shall cover up most of the plotholes I would have made if I haven't searched)

Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


all stories have at least one plot hole, so no big deal

(Author's Note: For those who are going to say what is this b*llsh*t that I just wrote? Migh tower and stuff, let it be known that it is canon, not something I randomly made up, it is present in the MHA side series MHA Viliginate, which while I have not read considering it has 125 chapters, I have searched about it enough in Google, after getting roasted by a certain sarcastic Author, whose half of points were invalid I have decided to at least search the information I can from Google at least, there might be plotholes since I am not reading the series but this shall cover up most of the plotholes I would have made if I haven't searched)

Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


yes burn the haters


(P.S. Fuck Tim, gave me a one star and just insulted for the entire review. Deleted his ass. He can lick Sheev's wrinkly cheeks.)

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Movies · GoldDragonMachina



Replied to King_Of_SpaceTime

so is batman

But then again Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is canonically in DC so for all I knew Casey Jones was also running around.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel



Vote my children, vote, and you will receive sexy chapters, and cookies, chocolate chip cookies!

Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to AlmightyPriest

might be wrong but I believe it was sheogorath's quest in oblivion

'Hmm, when did I stop calling girls "mortal females"? Am I actually missing the old times when Nords were drunk, there were two moons in the sky, and Sheogorath threw burning dogs at Khajiit villages?' the thought crossed Tatsumi's mind as he looked again at his conversational partner.

Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Anime & Comics · Sai_Hakuto



"If anything in this house burns, I will shove my foot so far up your ass your flames will taste like my boot," I said, giving Natsu a warning glance that left no room for argument.

Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


works for most things and the things it doesn't are usually troublesome

Once her Dragon Heart formed she would fuse those Embers into it. More things needed to be dealt with, but that just meant more strength. Everything could be solved with more power, that was Draven and now Amara's motto.

The Knight of Desolation.(DxD)

The Knight of Desolation.(DxD)

Anime & Comics · God_Of_Wolves


considering his leg strength he might have been the reason it broke

I maneuvered my raft closer to the dock, and then jumped atop it afer getting close enough. Immediately after I did so my raft broke apart completely. The pieces sinking into the watery deep.

One Piece: Rise of Achilles (One Piece Fanfiction)

One Piece: Rise of Achilles (One Piece Fanfiction)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Jrob5303

not sure which exactly but it is oda nodunaga from the fate series

It was just after midnight, Station time, when news came through that the section taken by the two mighty Mecha had declared itself the Inner Rim Federation, under the control of Empress Nobu, the Emperor's Neice, daughter of the Emperor's sister, who was best known for her work in designing the MK IX standard issue infantry laser rifle.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku
