

female LV 2

once upon a time, a silent lurker has found her voice hoping to the gods that her myriad encouragements and cheer will lift the spirits of authors XD Dont take me too seriously! fangirling over UT

2020-03-23 入りました Canada
バッジ 3

Moments 182
2 years ago
Replied to Amyraluvsbts

Yes, Giacobbe Francis more known as G. Francis in Discord chats is Philippe's father.

Giacobbe Francis stood up to his full height, still rolling the kinks and soreness from his limbs. He could simply turn it off and ignore it but that was rather counterintuitive to his own health. Sure he was getting on in the years, but a Bicchieri couldn't fall behind now. Could he?

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to CCmei

We gotta make one for him.

Easy enough to get comfortable. My Mother's hugs and cuddle carry are very soft when she's not squeezing the life out of me. Her chest almost resembles the oddly ideal napping spot that is Grampa's pecs. Almost. Extremely comfortable to fall unconscious on.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to Amyraluvsbts

She's not the first one to get a name. XD Mandolina is simply the eldest. Matilda, Isnada, Vedette, Noemi, Isotta are among Maria's maids as well and had their names revealed in older chapters. Please refer to the Opera chapters and the Persephone one.

"Our Lady was about to take the young misses out on a stroll." Mandolina steps up, the eldest and most formal of the maids.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to Jben1

Finally someone posted the meme!

2 years ago
Replied to CCmei

Give me more shinies so I can laugh myself dead at how stupid dense I can make NF Rosalia

Finally, the information I can actually use. We have a name at least. Before I can implore Georgie to probe more questions for me, my lovely little sister would like to remind us all she's still here.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to Bookiegal

Too much pain. Goblin holds back so much. Oh, there he goes rolling in his pile of shinies from Hama.

Finally, the information I can actually use. We have a name at least. Before I can implore Georgie to probe more questions for me, my lovely little sister would like to remind us all she's still here.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to glasuri

As involved as the Lord of the House and his wife should be. Although, that depends on how much Freddy tells Maria. He always admired Ron and was his fanboy for ages. And the Ventrella adults definitely are aware something must be done to train Amar's ability. They were there the night he sang the crowd to sleep. Also, Alfonso has been the Ventrella's head butler for almost 10 years already. I'm sure Maria knows the sides of him we barely see. As air-headed shoujo as she is, Ron raised her as his heiress and there is something to always remember: The Ventrella are a military family.

It's only my small age, and the young sensitive witnesses with me, that Alfonso hasn't dealt with her in his typical manner. My old butler is holding back, considerate of the impression he makes on his still too young misses. The Alfonso that a teenaged Rosalia knew wouldn't be so easy. But then again, how much do I really know him?

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to glasuri

I understand you want to think the best of Frederick. He IS Rosalia's Father and he is shown to care and love her. She is the child he gets along the best with. His mini-me. The same way Lily reminds him of Maria but with his artistic inclinations. But don't forget he is still a Bicchieri. He was the youngest of a mafia family who ruled the Underworld, the red light district, as well as the top of nobility. And he married into the Ventrella. Military household by excellence. You do NOT want a "weak" child leading the military. Previous chapters discussed how Freddy and Alfonso have already analyzed the way Rosalia "pranks" her maids. The abuse IS bad by modern standards. But then we hear the Bicchieri have pain manipulation as their magical power and realize that might be why Rosalia was "abused". Freddy indirectly training her even if he never told her about it. Also his standards of education is skewed as well. He doesn't know what's normal for he was a genius child under lots of pressure to perform well. Also as stated in this chapter, Rosa always unconsciously nulled magic whether in people or items. After a while with all the magical items laying around in Ventrella villa and realizing Rosalia can't use it, smart people would have connected the dots. But this family always had communication issues. I hope this answers your question.

It must be the case then....that Rosalia's Father has always known her pain. The cases of negligence, the mocking, the rumors, the slashes of abuse all around. The guards are everywhere, the spies even further spilled in the cracks of this world.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to CCmei

Poor Lukas in 1000s Japan though. It's a dollhouse ..... for an entire country


"Oh, I know you! Well, I don't know know know you but I know you! You're the kinda fancy smelling one Amar likes, with the funny music. Hey hey hey what does it sound like? It does ding ding do phoooo~ You're very tall! What do you eat to be so tall? Is it bacon? I bet bacon. I'mma gonna grow up super tall, even taller than Cap! But not too tall I can't live anywhere because that would be sad to smack my head at doors all the time." Lukas climbs someone, much like a pet monkey.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

2 years ago
Replied to glasuri

That's the gif CC uses when talking about them XD

I almost pity the masked guard that holds my adorably violent little sister. Almost. If he's silently wincing in pain now, I sorely hope he doesn't ever taste one of Lily's magical hits when she grows up. Anyways, that's a long way off and I'm a bit busy here myself.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei