Finallly !!!!
OMG!!!! finallly can't wait for the next chp
Thank you author for releasing 2 chapters a day
U deserve an award yo keep ur readers hanging ! I can't wait for them to meet
and thank you author for the mass release
so Mo Li is somehow connected to Cornate ?
i hope they mett soon !!! author i can't really wait, when are they gonna met again
Amazing storyline perfect portrayal of the characters and there feelings perfect choice of words it i a hidden gem i hope more people can give this novel a try and u will absolutely not regret it 💝💝💝💝
It is am amzing book, starting from the storyline to the character devlopment and moving towards the beautiful description of feelings this is authors first novel but no one can believe its your first the way u have potrayed everything MORE POWER TO U AUTHOR AND BEST OF LUCK FOR UR OTHER NOVEL AS WELL 💝💝💝
There is a chinese drama with the same name and story, and its good u all should check it out
Jun Jiuling
History · Xi Xing