Webnovel Author: Keaton_Jenkinson - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 4
2020-03-06 入りました United States

バッジ 4

Moments 114

Replied to Vastoking

It’s a good song. What’s ‘ewww’ about it?

"Okay, I think I found the song I'm looking for. Just give me a moment to get it together. I'm nervous about singing amongst a public crowd." Taking a moment for composure, I started singing Queen's "Radio Gaga".

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to

Ewww what?

"Okay, I think I found the song I'm looking for. Just give me a moment to get it together. I'm nervous about singing amongst a public crowd." Taking a moment for composure, I started singing Queen's "Radio Gaga".

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to DragonkingKyo

Replied to Unpaid_FoxGod

I think you meant wolverines lol. I was doing it based on my height plus a little extra. But if it seems necessary to my character in terms of accuracy, I will change it. Thank you for telling me. 😊

Regaining consciousness, Kalek could feel the waves of the ocean lapping against his face. He moaned and shook his head to make him regain focus. The 5'11" wolverine stood up and brushed the sand off of him as he looked to see where he was. He could see wreckage from the ship he had traveled in before it was wrecked in the storm. What was his escape from the free world now landed him on a strange part of the globe.

Jīngāng láng: The Sixth Master

Jīngāng láng: The Sixth Master

Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to Lonely_Hermit98

lol that’s one way.


<p>After first stopping at a shop with black market items, Cael bought himself another .44 Magnum revolver (or at least something close to it), a bulletproof vest and a few pair of handcuffs. After paying the guy, the heavenly spy hustled out of the shop and found an alleyway. Wings spread out, he ran down the alley to takeoff flapping. With three hops, he flapped his wings hard and flew out of the alley into the air. Praying that no one saw him, Cael soared over to where the chaos was happening. <br/><br/>There was nothing but building after building until Cael finally came across what looked like a war zone with bullets zinging back and forth, and various grenades going off. A little from the scene, a blimp of some kind was at ground level looking a bit damaged. "Who the hell uses a goddamn blimp anyways?," he said in disbelief. Finding the nearest building closest to the action, Cael landed upon the roof with briefcase in hand. Folding up his wings, he took a position near the edge of the roof with glock in hand.<br/><br/>It seemed like an unusual set up for a gang war. On one side there was a snake demon with eyes of a red sclera with black, narrow pupils. His cobra hood was mostly yellow, with the tips being black. He had four pink eye patterns on his hood, a long neck and wore a black and yellow bow tie, a yellow shirt with a pink eye on it, and a coat which was grey with yellow vertical stripes and sharp, pink claws for fingers.<br/><br/>The demon's tail was black with thick, yellow stripes with many pink eyes. He also wore a top hat which, just like him, had sharp, yellow teeth and a pink eye. The top hat seemed to be alive as it blinked and changed expressions in unison with him during the conflict. "Tch, how tacky is that?" Cael asked while observing the ridiculous if not silly attire.<br/><br/>Surrounding the snake demon were what Cael assumed were minions of his: sentient eggs that each wore a black top hat and bore small skinny black limbs. It seemed that their eyes and their mouths were inside their shells. They had yellow eyes and just like their boss, they also wore a yellow shirt with a grey coat with yellow vertical stripes on it with a black tie to go with it. What was different, however, was that each of them had a number written on their back to help identify them. "Unusual, but kind of pointless."<br/><br/>The two demons fighting both snake demon and minions were what looked like Angel Dust, as previously mentioned, and a female demon Cael assumed was a comrade of Angels'.<br/><br/>She appeared to be a cyclops demon with blonde hair that had pink and white accents, a ponytail, and wore a large amount of mascara. Her eye had a bloodshot pink sclera and a pale yellow X-shaped pupil. Her skin was mostly white with pink freckles on her face and right shoulder. The she-demon wore a grey, fingerless satin glove on her left arm with what appeared to have a tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She also wore a red off-shoulder crop top, a black bra, a reddish, torn-up miniskirt with two buttons on the front with one loose suspender, and ripped black leggings underneath. "Hmm, kinky." Cael thought to himself. She seemed to be wearing a red and white boot on her left foot, while on the right, a white and red sock, suggesting that she may have lost her other boot somehow.<br/><br/>Observing the fight, it seemed that Dusty and the female demon were holding their own with nothing more than a submachine gun, some explosives and a baseball bat. Cael soon remembered the live footage that was being played earlier at the bar and looked for where the news crew were at. Given the viewpoint, it had to be somewhere at ground level near them. Looking over, he scoured from where he was until he found them just a few ways from the right of him. "Gotcha," he mumbled. They were just two guys with a news camera but he could see the logo on their camera with the unmistakable '666' on it. "Wonder who tipped them off?" An answer to be found out later for now.<br/><br/>Turning back to the fight, it seemed like the demon duo had the upper hand against the snake demon until he got a hold of Dusty with a chain whip and hurled him to the other side. "Oh harder daddy!," he heard Angel say lewdly.<br/><br/>"<em>Whoah now</em>!" Cael's thoughts responded as the caution signs went up in his head. "<em>Not quite what I expected to hear</em>!" <br/><br/>The serpent demons' response wasn't something he expected to hear either. "Son?!," the tacky clothes-wearing gangster asked. The look on the spider demon's face pretty much summed up what Cael was thinking. Before he knew it, the cyclopian she-demon came after the serpent dude and dashed kicked him away. Frustrated, he got back up and spoke with a bit of a slithering lisp. "You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered most is the one with the most...<strong>style</strong>." He emphasized this with a snap of his bow tie.<br/><br/>"Or the side that ain't dead!," the cyclops said as she broke one of the egg henchmen in half.<br/><br/>"Speaking of style-," Angel inputted. "-is your hat like, alive or something?" Though that wasn't a bad question, Cael had wondered what kind of item that hat really is.<br/><br/>"Oh well, that's none of your goddamn business! Now is it?!," the snake man retorted.<br/><br/>"Heh, would that make your hat the top and <strong>you</strong> the bottom?" Cael wasn't sure if that was a sick burn but fuck it, whatever got to the slithering bastard. Enough for even one of his own henchies to think it was a good one. Not pleased, the hooded cobra man slapped the upside of his minion before retorting, "I'm going to blow you to bits!"<br/><br/>"Hmm kinky." Okay, Cael had to admit that was a pretty good one.<br/><br/>"<strong>Oh, not like that, pervert</strong>!" Cael looked to notice another henchmen carrying what looked like some kind of net gun and aimed it at the two. Angel took notice of it and pushed his female cohort out of the way as it ensnared his four arms. Looking pleased with himself, the snake demon continued. "Not so cocky now, are we?"<br/><br/>"You know, you really got to watch what comes out of your mouth." Angel nonchalantly said to the unimpressive villain. "I've been making these sex jokes the whole <strong>time</strong>, (the snake demon had his minion pull out some screwless drill with a vile grin that made Dusty jolt a little but still continued) and it's obvious you're not catching on." Cael noticed that the extra set of arms popping out of the spider, wielding the submachine gun from before unbeknownst to the slithering adversary. "I mean...it's just sad!" Before he could react, the top hat wearing bastard and his cohort were riddled with bullets and collapsed to the ground. Angel soon got free of what was holding him and smiled a smug grin. <br/><br/>"So you think you're going to get in a lot of trouble for this?" Angel's friend asked him as she walked up next to him.<br/><br/>"Heh. What's one little brawl gonna cause?" The fight seemed to carry on a little longer, surprising Cael that the snake demon was still alive after being shot.<br/><br/>"Glad you haven't changed," said the demon girl as she playfully punched Angel in the arm. "You know you're my favorite guy to party with."<br/><br/>"You know it, sugar tits." <br/><br/>Cael had to admire the friendship between the two, but now was the time for him to cut into this little brawl. Checking his firearms, he made sure the magazine was full in both guns. Seeing that they were, he prepared to move in. "Well, time for the world to know me," he muttered to himself. "So much for a low profile." <br/><br/>Meanwhile, the combatants were preparing for another assault against the other as the eggies were amassing behind their leader. "You ready to finish this?" Angel's friend asked him, bomb in hand.<br/><br/>"Born ready, baby!" Dusty replied as he reloaded his machine gun. The two sides charged at each other as they roared forward. Neither one of them saw Cael flying in at full speed, knocking the serpent demon down on his back once more as he landed on top of him. Skidding across the ground, Cael had one foot on the demons' throat and a gun pointed down at him with his wings still unfurled.<br/><br/>"I hate to interrupt this little tiff of yours, but I'm afraid I was getting too bored from this not going anywhere," Cael said.<br/><br/>Meanwhile, chaos was ensuing over at the 666 news station as Tom Trench was on fire trying to put himself out while Charlie was busy being in a catfight with Katie Killjoy. After finally putting out the fire, the male news anchor sighed with relief. He soon got a buzz ringing in his ear from the camera crew at the scene of the ongoing turf war at which seemed to have been forgotten for some time. His eyes widened as he looked at the images of Cael sent to him. <br/><br/>Hurrying over to the news desk, he wasted no time addressing the audience and everyone present at the newsroom. "Breaking news! Yet another new development has been addressed in the ongoing turf war between Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb. Aside from the famous porn star Angel Dust joining the fight, a new winged demon of sorts has entered the fray at this very moment. Let's take a look and see." <br/><br/>Everyone suddenly stopped and looked at the monitor to see what the news anchor meant, even the two ladies fighting each other. The news screen flashed on overhead to show Cael, wings spread out and guns drawn. "Who this strange winged demon is and what his motives are for entering the fray is currently unknown at the moment." Trench continued. "But it seems he's putting this fight on hold in order to get their attention." <br/><br/>Looking from where she was, Charlie looked in amazement at this new demon. Who was he indeed? Could he possibly be a...?<br/><br/>"Now that I have your attention, let's get the formalities out of the way first shall we?" Cael suggested after a momentary pause. He cleared his throat before continuing. "The name's Cael, fallen angel. Hi, how're you doing?" He then looked at Angel Dust and pointed at him. "You're the porn star known as Angel Dust, n'es pas?"<br/><br/>"Uh...yeah?," answered an uncertain Angel. He didn't think <strong>this</strong> was going to happen today. "What if I am?"<br/><br/>"I'm actually here to take you back to Miss Magne and Miss Vaggie if you still want a place to stay."<br/><br/>Cael stopped for a moment to acknowledge the female cyclops. "Oh and ma'am? You might want to get rid of <strong>that</strong> before you kill us all please." Cael pointed at the lit bomb in the cyclopian demon's hand who quickly threw it over his head and landed amongst the snake demon's minions and killed them upon detonation. "Thank you. Now then..."<br/><br/>"Whoah-whoah-whoah! Wait! They sent <strong>you</strong>?"<br/><br/>"Yeah, but not officially. Let's tie up this loose end first, shall we?" Cael turned to the demon snake now. "Now, whatever beef you have with them, Mr. eh....?"<br/><br/>"Pentious. That's <strong>Sir</strong> Pentious to you," the demon hissed.<br/><br/>"Right sure, whatever." Cael cocked the hammer of the gun back with a thumb. "I think it's about time you called it a day, hmm? Just take whatever's left of your shit and fly on your merry way back to whatever shit lair you call home. I don't normally care about what anyone does or plans to do around here but right now, how about we just call this a draw for now? You can all settle this shit later on an off day."<br/><br/>"And just what kind of demon do you think you are to give orders?!"<br/><br/>"Right now, I'm the demon with the gun pointing it at you at point blank range. And <strong>you</strong>,-" Cael stepped down hard on Sir Pentious' tail, making him yelp in pain. His minions stood by just watching, not sure if they should take the winged demon out now or wait for their boss to give the order. "-are the bastard who...quite frankly ain't that much of a threat to me or anyone in Hell."<br/><br/>"<strong>Excuse me</strong>?!," the demon lord exclaimed, partially from the pain inflicted upon him, his cobra hood flaring.<br/><br/>"I mean dude, look at yourself. You're semi-evil. You're the grocery store brand of evil. I'd rank you at like, say, the Saturday morning cartoon equivalent of evil. And the minions? <strong>Really</strong>? What, you couldn't afford to hire actual henchmen or something? Sheesh! It's no wonder these two have been kicking your ass from where I've been standing. I bet the only reason you've conquered some of Hell is because of your toy balloon over there. Sir Pentious, pft! More like Sir 'Pretentious'. You seriously need to get a rep check, buddy."<br/><br/>Pentious' hood began to falter with every insult Cael was delivering to him until it was completely down. A look of shame was plastered on his face. Angel and his girl buddy were watching this, feeling stunned yet pleased by how this guy was knocking Sir Pentious down a peg. Regaining his thoughts, Pentious got flustered again and hissed with anger. "<strong>That</strong> will cost you dearly, Mr. Cael!"<br/><br/>"Please, just put it on my bill."<br/><br/>"That will be last thing you'll have to worry about. Kill him!" But before his egg minions could, Cael fired a round into the serpent lord's shoulder causing him to cry out in pain. He looked down and saw that the bullet that Cael fired into him actually affected him. Everyone watching this were shocked with widened eyes of surprise.<br/><br/>"You sure you want to make that call, Lord Pretentious? You might be able to get me with your lackeys, but not after I drill a hole through your head. Now that you know that my bullets can actually hurt you." Cael pressed his foot down harder on Pentious' throat, his tone now low and threatening. "So you either leave now, or-," Cael cocked his Glock and placed the barrel into the snake demon's mouth; "-I do this and say...<strong>swallow</strong>." The eyes on the snake demon went from irritating anger to instant fear as all tensed up and watched for what would happen next. Angel normally would have made a joke about this, but the way Cael carried himself about reminded him too much of someone he's tried to get away from. "<strong>Your call</strong>." <br/><br/>Nervously gulping, the so-called demon lord gingerly pushed the gun away to say, "I uh...change my mind." His voice shook as he spoke.<br/><br/>"Wise decision." Cael pulled the gun out of Pentious' mouth but kept it under his chin. He eases the pressure on the man's throat. "Now, tell your minions to get on board your balloon first. The more you cooperate, the smoother the day will be for all of us."<br/><br/>"Everyone back on the ship. Now!" Sir Pentious ordered his aborted eggs as they were uncertain.<br/><br/>"You sure boss?"<br/><br/>"You don't want us to attack him?"<br/><br/>"<strong>Yes, I'm certain! Now for the love of Satan, get moving</strong>!!," the boss man screamed. <br/><br/>The dimwitted ovums followed his orders and waddled quickly over to the ship. When all were accounted for, Cael turned back to Sir Pentious. "Nice of you to cooperate, 'sir'. I'm going to let you go now, but before I do remember this." He leaned down until his face was just a foot away from Pentious, his voice in a deep, intimidating tone. "If you or anyone you're familiar with <strong>ever</strong> comes after me to seek vengeance for this little humiliation of your so-called status or even those I'm familiar with, you remember these words. I will look for you, I will find you,..." Cael's tone switched into sinister and threatening, "<strong>And I will kill you. </strong>Do we understand each other?" With a quick head shake of agreement from Pentious, Cael allowed a little smirk on his face. "I certainly hope so. For your sake. And I shall do so in leaving you alone as well, unless you do <strong>otherwise</strong>. Now get!" Cael stepped off of him and the snake lord took off in a hurry and slithered into his airship. With one quick look back, Sir Pentious got into the ship and in a matter of moments, it took off into the distance.<br/><br/>Once the snake demon was gone, Cael sighed and lowered his gun a little. "Well, now that that's been taking care of-," he then turned to the two demons remaining next to him, "-let's get to the business at hand, shall we?" He smiled at their stunned expressions. "Well, this is a surprise. I see that a first impression <strong>can</strong> leave an audience stunned," he said with a chuckle. "Now <strong>you,</strong> Mr. Dust. If you will be so kind as to come along with me, we can get you back to the Happy Hotel. And before you make a joke about what I just said, just remember I am not above hitting a person of any variety." <br/><br/>The porn star slumped from being foiled. His girl buddy then spoke up. "Just how exactly did you know he was here?"<br/><br/>"Simple, I ask people. That and I also saw him on the news, thanks to those twits over there." He gestured with his head over at where the small news crew were at and gave a little wave to them.<br/><br/>Over at some wreckage, the two news demons were surprised that this newcomer was waving at them. "Wait, does he actually see us?," asked one demon.<br/><br/>"Naw, there's no way!" said the other with the camera.<br/><br/>"I know you guys are over there!" Cael shouted at them.<br/><br/>"Okay, he actually does see us," said the cameraman.<br/><br/>"Shall we flee?"<br/><br/>"Oh yes, definitely!" Both demons sprinted off to their news van and drove away from the scene.<br/><br/>"Yeah so anyway, I hope that answers your question, ma'am." Cael continued with the she-demon.<br/><br/>"It's Cherri Bomb actually," she replied.<br/><br/>"Hmmm. I'm not really surprised. Because from where I'm standing, you certainly look like 'the bomb'," he said flirtatiously, throwing out a corny pickup line. It kind of worked, getting a smile out of Ms. Cherri. <br/><br/>"You might want to work on that a little bit." She didn't think it was that bad, but she had heard worse.<br/><br/>"Eh, no one's perfect." Cael shrugged. "Now then, if there's no further objections I think we should get going, Angel boy. Shall we then?"<br/><br/>Angel Dust leaned to one side and folded his arms with a brow raised. "And what makes you think I would believe you were sent by those two broads?"<br/><br/>"Hmm, very legit question." Cael said, easing up to them both. "Well for one thing, if I was sent by someone else to kill you during a scenario like earlier, you'd probably be too preoccupied to notice. Or even so like right now. And secondly...," he was standing right next to the porn star as he holstered his gun. "I'm really not in the mood to kill anyone today. I'm more of a 'balance in order' kind of guy. I mean anyone could kill anyone, especially in Hell. Unless, of course, they have the kind of bullets like i do. Anyway, I promise you, Mr. Dust, that I <strong>am</strong> a man that you can trust for the moment. Here's my hand on it." Cael held out his hand out for a handshake. <br/><br/>Suspicious, Angel leered at him. "And if I don't want to?"<br/><br/>"Well...then I'll just have to resort to this." Cael quickly grabbed the spider dude by the arm and unfurled his large wings.<br/><br/>"Hey! What are you-?!"<br/><br/>"Miss Cherri Bomb, it was very nice to meet you. Sorry I can't stay long but maybe next time we'll talk some more. Ciao!" And with a quick flap of the wings, Cael took off into the air like a rocket holding on to Angel Dust by the arm who dropped a long F-Bomb as they shot up. After first flying by the building where he left his briefcase temporarily, the undercover archangel grabbed it in one swoop and headed off to find the heiress of hell.<br/><br/>Gliding through the city, Cael searched for any sign of Princess Charlotte or at least the news station. While he was enjoying the flight, the terrified demon he carried begged to differ. "Oh don't be such a baby, Dusto." Cael said to him. "I would've thought you would prefer this compared to walking around all day."<br/><br/>"Well you're only half wrong, you assumptious dickweed! Let me the fuck down!" screamed Angel.<br/><br/>"Oh all right. If you insist." Cael replied with a sly smile. Before he knew it, Angel Dust was falling from twenty stories in the air screaming. After letting him fall for a while, Cael swooped down and caught him by his shirt. "Oh! You meant on the ground! Well, <strong>silly </strong>me!" Cael said mockingly with glee, flapping his wings to climb back up. "You should always be careful about how to word these sort of things, you know. Someone could be quite literal in what you have to say, asking or demanding."<br/><br/>"Christ! Did anyone tell you were an asshole?!"<br/><br/>"Mmm maybe. Sometimes. I would have thought that you were told that as well."<br/><br/>"Oh you think you can be <strong>so</strong> cute, huh?!"<br/><br/>"Tch! Bitch please! I prefer adorable. Now let's focus less on the banter and more on where we should go, shall we?" Looking around, Cael searched for some sign of where to look for Charlotte. Or at least from what he knew from the mission files. He then spotted something of familiarity. "Ah! There we are."<br/><br/>Meanwhile, Charlie was riding back with Vaggie in her stretch limo coming back from the news station. Everything seemed like it would go so well in her head, but the day so far turned out to be an unfortunate one. She sat with her head in her hands, not sure what to do next. Vaggie, sitting next to her, looked equally upset but more so with Angel messing things up for them. <br/><br/>Charlie didn't know what to do next. After what happened at the studio, it was uncertain about what she was going to do now. First no one was convinced about her plan, then Angel Dust went back to how he was after two weeks of being clean, and finally started a brawl at the studio. All she could hope for was some miracle to happen or at least something good to happen in her life today. As she continued to sulk, there was a sudden heavy thud on the top of the limo that jolted their attention. "What the heck was that?" she asked her friend. <br/><br/>"I don't know, but I don't think I want to know." Vaggie replied.<br/><br/>There soon came a knock on the sunroof window of the limousine. Spear in hand, Vaggie watched as Charlie opened the sunroof cautiously to reveal the same winged demon that was on the broadcast earlier with a cheerful expression on his face.<br/><br/>"Princess Magne?" he asked her.<br/><br/>"Yes?" the princess asked warily but a little concerned.<br/><br/>"Hi! Name's Cael, fallen angel, how're you doing today? I was wondering if <strong>this</strong> belonged to you." As he said this, he pulled Angel Dust into view. The expression on his face was a mix of fright and sheepish shame as he weakly waved 'hi' to her. <br/><br/>On the one hand, Vaggie was <strong>not</strong> happy to see Angel after the crap he pulled. On the other hand, Charlie was happy and relieved to have some luck at last but wasn't sure what to make of this new demon. It was great that she may have found someone helpful, but she didn't know why anyone would after earlier. "Y-yes, he does. Just what can we do for you?"<br/><br/>"Oh contraire, mon ami. It is actually what can <strong>I </strong>do for <strong>you</strong>. But before we talk, do mind if we pull over for a minute? I don't think it's wise wise to talk business while the car is moving with me on top of it."<br/><br/> </p>

I ‘Hazbin’ An Angel Once: A Hazbin Hotel Story

I ‘Hazbin’ An Angel Once: A Hazbin Hotel Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to BathroomBreaks

You’re right, thank you for correcting me.

Replied to HereForGoodRead


And cue accusatory and judgmental looks at all of you readers and/or fans of the show. Hey, I might crush on some female characters, but I know when to keep my fantasies to myself and be practical about them while not obsessing over them. Looking at you, fandoms.

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to HereForGoodRead

Or ever will pay any money for that to happen.

And cue accusatory and judgmental looks at all of you readers and/or fans of the show. Hey, I might crush on some female characters, but I know when to keep my fantasies to myself and be practical about them while not obsessing over them. Looking at you, fandoms.

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to HereForGoodRead

OH! THAT! Lol. Yeah that’s true. Sorry, almost forgot about that. Thank god I have the brain cells NOT to give that much money for a fanfic to be made real. Then again, the Hazbin crew could have said no. But, what’s done is done.

And cue accusatory and judgmental looks at all of you readers and/or fans of the show. Hey, I might crush on some female characters, but I know when to keep my fantasies to myself and be practical about them while not obsessing over them. Looking at you, fandoms.

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to HereForGoodRead

Be in bed as it goes on like:


But Millie had the answer for him. "Better idea, why don't you just stay with us, sugar?" she proposed.

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to HereForGoodRead

I like them how I see them lol.


Now I know what you might be thinking, stop! Just. StopIt. She may be one of the most loveliest things me or any of you have seen (if any of you have already seen the episodes), but don't you dare be thinking about honking your horn to this female hell hound; even if it is too late. AndI'mlooking atyou, you sexual deviants of theinternet! You know who you are! -You know who you are!- Ahem! Anyway,...

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson

Replied to


And cue accusatory and judgmental looks at all of you readers and/or fans of the show. Hey, I might crush on some female characters, but I know when to keep my fantasies to myself and be practical about them while not obsessing over them. Looking at you, fandoms.

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

A Helluva Time: A Helluva Boss Story

Others · Keaton_Jenkinson
