male LV 4

Just a normal guy who is a fan of great stories.

2020-03-04 入りました India
バッジ 8

Moments 112
2 months ago
Replied to TBJ5K

Thank you for your review! This is my first story. When I started writing this story, I had no prior experience writing a long form of literature. I am trying to improve my writing skills and will hopefully be able to write a better story soon.

2 months ago
Replied to Max_Striker


Being from a town in Bihar, India, it was near impossible for me to have any experience since there is no dating culture here. It also doesn't help that I am an introvert.

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Anime & Comics · DRAGONS_EYE

5 months ago
Replied to Ajunta_Pal

Their healing factor is only slightly lesser than Logan. However, because they are just experimental clones, their lifespan is too short, barely even two years. Also, the metal on their claws is regular Titanium, not Adamantium. Overall, they are only discount Wolverines.

Well, I had to make the Magneto encounter a coincidence since I wanted to finish this arc as soon as possible. By the way, did you like the Wolverine's clones?

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Anime & Comics · DRAGONS_EYE

6 months ago
Replied to Runawayy_

Just join my patreon as a free member and message me. I would be more than happy to have a discussion with you there. If you don't want to join the patreon, please give me a reply. I will think of another way.

6 months ago
Replied to AKARYUU

There will be romance but no harem. The female lead would be a younger version of Emma Frost who is a part of the X-Men.

6 months ago
Replied to ErozothDraeor

My dear reader, I thank you for your comment as you commented and criticized my story as fairly as you could even though you were leaving. I have read your criticisms and would like to say a few words on it even though you have left the story. First of all, I would like to thank you for comparing this story to "I am Spider Man(MCU)" even though it is lacking in so many ways. You say that he has not earned anything but you are looking at it from the perspective of Spider Man. The way I look at it, this Peter Parker is more of a Superman. He gains tremendous power first and then starts using it responsibly. The story is still in its infancy that is why you think this way. Once the Avengers Arc ends and the multiverse starts to get involved, it will be Peter's time to repay Spider Supreme for giving him these powers. This will be explained when Peter meets Spider Supreme at the end of the X-Men arc. I know that the Sabertooth fight seems stretched out but I wanted to show other characters in the story properly so that they are not just there. I will admit that Peter's personality seems barebones but that is because this is my first story and I am still learning how to instill emotions in a story properly. With these words, I bid you adieu, my dear reader!

7 months ago
Replied to Zed1_Eren_

Although he would still have a heroic nature, this Peter would not be a vigilante. He would only do hero jobs sporadically.

7 months ago
Replied to Lone_Philosopher

That's true. It is just that Peter's powers are so strong that he needs other kinds of spells to strengthen his repertoire. I introduced storage artefacts simply because Peter needed something to carry around the magical artefacts.

Surprise! Professor Xavier knows about Spider Supreme. But how? What did Spider Supreme do? Find out in the next chapter.

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Anime & Comics · DRAGONS_EYE

7 months ago
Replied to Lone_Philosopher

What are you talking about nerfing Sorcerers? They have a greater amount of spells here as well as spells for every occasion as compared to the movies. I have not read the comics so I can't say anything about them. I casually introduced magic to them because I didn't want to take several chapters before introducing magic to them. You will see that in the future, Peter will casually reveal that he knows magic to his close ones. Also, this idea of mutants being cheats is something I have taken from the fanfiction 'The Spider'.

Surprise! Professor Xavier knows about Spider Supreme. But how? What did Spider Supreme do? Find out in the next chapter.

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Anime & Comics · DRAGONS_EYE

7 months ago
Replied to Primas

Actually I have only included MJ to enrich the plot. She will likely not have any impact on the plot. Especially since Peter is going to join the X-Men soon.