DasSchwotz - Profile



male LV 14

Somebody who likes Fantasy and World Building.

2020-02-05 入りました Germany

バッジ 15

Moments 105



There were no signs of any mountains to be seen even at the distant horizons. If he wanted to complete the trail, he needed to find the location of the Abomination which was beyond the vast snowy mountain range.

Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Fantasy · ViciousPepper



The captain got angry, "We are requesting you out of god will and you are talking about killing us."

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Book&Literature · Graviele


Where the robbers not on foot?

A carriage carried by two horses moved ahead while 3 horses followed behind the carriage.

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Book&Literature · Graviele


Why them if it is one stranger?


One of the best Star Wars fanfiction out there. Hopefully with a long future xD.


If one wife is 25 years old and her children are 11, than did she give birth at 14?

Almost everyone, some furtively and some without hiding their curiosity looked at the newcomers. And if it was still possible to see a glimmer of understanding or recognition among the pureblood wizards, the Muggle-borns looked at the eye-catching group of people with genuine bewilderment. A man in his thirties, dressed in a classic cut robe of spider silk and an expensive business suit, judging by the rings on his left hand, the head of a couple of ancient and noble families, with unusually white hair just below his shoulders and a piercing look in his dark blue eyes, was accompanied by two beautiful women, dressed no less respectably than their companion. The older of them, a bright curly-haired brunette with expressive black eyes, was about thirty, and the younger, a delicate blue-eyed blonde, was a little more than twenty-five. And this marvelously harmonious trio was seeing off four charming children, three boys, and a girl. It was clear that each lady was the mother of a younger couple, but the man... His features were evident in all four offspring: two boys and a girl looked at the world with the same dark blue eyes as their father, and the last boy flaunted the same white, slightly disheveled hair. The children were all the same age, all four were eleven years old, and today they were walking to their first Hogwarts Express. The people on the platform would probably have been more shocked to learn that this was not the whole family - there was another girl, two years older than the others. And this morning she left with her grandmother for France, for her third year at Beauxbaton.

Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

Book&Literature · FanFictionForge


noooo, no good Hermione please.

He then remembered how the owls brought to him 'The Firebolt' which was immediately confiscated by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. He remembered how he acted towards Hermione for her 'betrayal' by informing the two professors about the anonymous gift. Though thinking now, how his life was in constant danger since his first year at Hogwarts, he could not fault her actions but he was influenced by Ron and now he felt ashamed for it. He made a mental note to apologize to her for it, which he should done way back.

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele


I think Wayne Enterprise sounds a lot better than Wayne Solutions

{Lucius Fox, CEO of Wayne Solutions announces merger between Wayne Solutions and Wayne Enterprises into a new Wayne Solutions}

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


It is really a great fanfiction, but this organic thing. This name is so stupid and weird.

"I'm not sure since Dacia became an 'Organic Grand Duchy' before going to an 'Organic Empire', it was already difficult to know any information about that country, now it's practically impossible... let's hope the little girl can do it do something, while it pains me that we have to use a child to fulfill the objective of knowing more about the Dacians" Chancellor Schlesinger said seriously while giving a tired sigh at the end.

Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

Others · PowerMan579


Why is he giving sich a big tip as a child? He has money, but not enough to use it without brain.

Digging my hand into my pouch I grabbed a couple galleons and placed it in front of the woman with a smile. She looked at me confused before I explained.

HP: Descendant of Merlin

HP: Descendant of Merlin

Book&Literature · DarkKingGrutmore


The darkness he embraces? He literally is light.


Is that a joke? Or do I detect Disney Woke Hypes.

"OK, sure. I don't plan to change myself to a dog anyway. The cat community really looks down on trans-cats."

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


4k. A little few.

"4000?!?" Fudge said in shock. "But that's almost half the wizarding population of the United Kingdom!"

The Legacy of Merlin

The Legacy of Merlin

Book&Literature · Jumpin316


Should there not be some kind of protection, that nobody than the owner can use his space ring.

When I arrived at his highness, who was lying on the ground, he was already sound asleep while still holding onto his sword tightly; kneeling, I carefully picked him up, and while doing so, I touched his storage ring, bringing out the sheath and sheathing his highness's sword before putting it back into the storage ring. Once done, I carried his highness in a comfortable position and headed to the entrance while reviewing the fight with his highness.

Elven Legacy

Elven Legacy

Fantasy · Ozonelayer
