Ty_Matthews - Profile



LV 14

A god

2020-01-11 入りました United States

バッジ 15

Moments 299


Yeh their dead already with that info

In the end, the man's information was correct and the women after getting a pair of nice silver cuffs confessed. They didn't seem so bothered about being caught, while also getting a deal if they handed over information about some other high profile crimes. The pair seemed to have information about a criminal group called Court of Owls or something like that.

A Different Smallville

A Different Smallville

Anime & Comics · LegendaryChaos


Just make a blade of telekinetic energy and when he runs into it he can kill himself like if someone’s on a motorcycle going 80 and doesn’t see a thin wire off goes their head

Wanting to immobilize a Hyde? Ha. What a joke. He's a long way from that. He was very naive to think he could immobilize a Hyde easily. What he could do is crush him by throwing objects at him at high speed.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07



Question: Team Enid or Team Wednesday?

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07

Replied to A_FellowDegenerate

It’s not plagiarism if it’s not in that world just repurposing good work and letting them see what they were missing

"Sure," Luke replied, taking the book and pen Enid gave him. The shame he felt for signing a book he plagiarized was getting further and further away, the more books he signed the less shame he felt.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07


That makes no sense he would smell he isn’t his

After having that mental dilemma I drove home and made a mental list of thing that I can change that won't have the biggest effect on the timeline and I figured saving Laura and biting Scott are the two easiest as I could save Laura after Peter takes her spark but before he rips her apart or I can bite Scott before Peter bites him leading him to believe Scott is his beta.

Reborn In Teen Wolf (TV)

Reborn In Teen Wolf (TV)

TV · _DeeJay


When did he get new clothes is he just in the woods in boxers or

Scott took a deep breath, focusing on his breathing, willing his body to relax. Slowly, the golden hue faded from his eyes, leaving him looking exhausted but determined. "Okay. I'm good. Let's get to Allison's house. We need to make sure she's really safe."

Reborn in Teen Wolf As An Original Hybrid

Reborn in Teen Wolf As An Original Hybrid

TV · Adams2004


Bro doing a payday heist

"If you can get the jammers, the response can be dealt with. However, it can only be delayed by seven minutes. Which means you will have seven minutes to do the job. Also, you will need someone good with locks because I expect these boxes to be heavily locked." Li Wei replied while giving a suggestion of her own.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811


They were down by -80 then the 3 lost 50 each

"Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and sixty-two points; in third, Hufflepuff, with four hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has five hundred and sixty-two and Slytherin, five hundred and seventy- two."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


How did they gain that much they were down like 200 points

"Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and sixty-two points; in third, Hufflepuff, with four hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has five hundred and sixty-two and Slytherin, five hundred and seventy- two."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


where did this man get that many popsicle sticks one thousand hand statue is hella sticks alone

Later that night, Leonardo was humming softly to himself as he was using popsicle sticks to build a mini replica of Hashirama on top of Sage Art True Thousand Hand. If he will make the nine tails and Madara to go with it, he doesn't know it yet.

A Different Smallville

A Different Smallville

Anime & Comics · LegendaryChaos


Wouldn’t matter if it was au or not if he has the tech to make a car float I think he can pull off making touch screens

While Alex continued his consultancy at S.H.I.E.L.D., he remained an active force at Stark Industries, holding a substantial 30% of the shares, with Howard claiming the majority at 55%. Alex's unique blend of a sharp mind and insights into future technologies, combined with memories from past lives, became the driving force behind the company's success. Under his guidance, Stark Industries pioneered advancements such as tablet computers and touch-screen phones, pushing the boundaries of technology ahead of its time.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder


Really got told to touch grass tragic

Get out of the damn house! - Go to Mystic Falls and find Emma Tig who is visiting the town with some of the younger students.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_


Said that like it was a free for all and not the ones

He paused for a moment, then continued, "The rules are simple: it's every ninja for themselves. Let's get started and see who comes out on top!"

The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World

The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World

Anime & Comics · Malphegor


That’s should be max Apollo can make a sun but is bad at chem how does that work

I didn't really care that she didn't know chemistry as I already had a small bit of knowledge from the templates it was only level 3 and couldn't compare with a teacher, but it was still easily enough for high school.

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Movies · burakku
