

female LV 4
2019-12-21 入りました Global
バッジ 6

Moments 511
3 months ago

And that’s how you treat her

She was the daughter and only child of Alpha Thorne from the Golden Moon pack. She was born to be my weakness. Her strength was my strength, she was the only woman that could heal me in any life-threatening condition. 

Tangled Hearts - The Alpha's Baby Mama

Tangled Hearts - The Alpha's Baby Mama

Fantasy · Ejiofor_Dorcas

5 months ago
Replied to Legend2005

Sorry but brown sugar is more healthy than white sugar so

Unlike the protagonists in novels who could do everything, aside from some common knowledge, he didn't know much about science and engineering, and he could hardly remember any ancient poetry. Even if he had memorized poetry every day in high school, by this time, he had forgotten it all, so he was no different from ancient people.

Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife

Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife

Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.

6 months ago
Replied to DaoistRinPim

The baby daughter since she is the narrator here

Noon had already passed, Shen Chengyao said he would go home, as his younger sister was small and it was not good to travel at night. Shen Zixuan and Lai Zhewei also had to return to the academy.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago


In reality, neither Xiao'er nor Jinghao needed to come to the harvest, but the children from the third branch would voluntarily ask to help out starting from the age of five. Once, when Jingrui said he wanted to help, Mr. Shen initially dismissed it as him just wanting to play, but later realized he was genuinely serious about following Shen Chengyao, cutting each plant earnestly, resting only when the adults rested. He never complained about being tired or found the work difficult.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago
Replied to sopicky

Well they are not the same characters in Chinese

Mrs. Lan typically did not cook herself in town, instead employing a maid to handle the chores.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago

Thé old man have 100 tael even took 10 tael to his daughter the son is nothing I hope he regret it in the long run

"Since no one objects, let's quickly tidy up the room. We don't want to be caught off guard when people arrive," said Mr. Shen. Originally, he planned to divide the family assets after the autumn harvest, but Mrs. Li's stir over things urged him to act quickly. The unnecessary complications would only prolong with time. He was aware that Mrs. Shen had concealed 100 taels of silver, and the main family certainly possessed a considerable amount of private wealth. His fairness might be questionable, but this decision was for the greater good of the family, for the flourishing and perpetuation of their lineage. Was their future not bright with Shen Jingwen potentially becoming a government official soon? Ignorance and short-sightedness of some women.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago

Two stupid

"Yes, father, brothers should support each other, it's what we should do." Shen Chengzu quickly echoed the sentiment.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago
Replied to Slence509Haitian

Cheng is her father generation 1rst uncle mari lan 2nd uncle mari li 3 child xiao’er father mari Lui they have 4 children 4th uncle mari Lu

Xiao'er was held by Shen Chengyao, with Mrs. Liu holding her younger sister next to him. Jingrui and Jinghao stood behind the two of them, Shen Jingjie from the fourth branch was playing with Jinghao, Mrs. Lu sat beside Mrs. Liu and the two women engaged in soft conversation. Uncle Four sat beside Mrs. Lu.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago

Jin is xiao’er brothers generation

Xiao'er was held by Shen Chengyao, with Mrs. Liu holding her younger sister next to him. Jingrui and Jinghao stood behind the two of them, Shen Jingjie from the fourth branch was playing with Jinghao, Mrs. Lu sat beside Mrs. Liu and the two women engaged in soft conversation. Uncle Four sat beside Mrs. Lu.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

6 months ago
Replied to Ichigocool

There is a kindergarten in China where the toddler’s have cooking, cleaning and etiquette classes

Xiao'er made the soup for everyone else in a pottery pot and let it simmer slowly. But Mrs. Liu's soup, he stir-fried first, added lots of shredded ginger, and then boiled it with space water. After simmering for a short while, he scooped it out with a soup spoon. In fact, simmering soup for too long isn't always good, as it may contain excess Purine which is harmful to the body. Thus, Xiao'er didn't cook Mrs. Liu's soup too concentrated, which was also how it was done for postnatal women in modern times.

Allure of a Country Maiden

Allure of a Country Maiden

History · Fade in and out

  • Secretly Hearbroken original

    Secretly Hearbroken


    March is the season when the grass grows and warblers fly. The sunlight outside the window is softly covered. The clean and bright sky blue curtains move slightly with the wind, and the white clouds in the sky are as soft as cotton. "You dare to sleep in my class. Do you think your life is too long and impatient? If you don't want to listen to my class, just tell me. I can allow you not to listen!" The airy voice came straight through the air, which was deafening. Luo Xiyao covered her ears uncomfortablely, raised her head and squinted at the people on the podium. Her familiar face was as fierce as before. That's her head teacher and math teacher, nicknamed "Living Yan Wang". Every classmate in the class is particularly afraid of her.

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