I could never forget about my wonderful, amazingly loyal readers! ❤️ I've just had a lot going on in my personal life that's taken up a lot of my energy. But I love all of you guys and can't thank you enough for your patience with me ❤️❤️
The world may never know. 🤐
Hi there! Unfortunately I can't dedicate my full time to writing due to working 40+hr a week, but I try to update twice a week at a minimum. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the story!
Thank you so much for the gift! !
my discord is the same as my pen name! SteamyWriter
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Low-key, I was squealing while writing this chapter! I'm glad you like it ❤️
Thank you for the review! I definitely struggle sometimes, but your words and support help keep me going!
Oh, just wait! His hard exterior will crack soon enough lol. Thank you for the comments, I look forward to reading them each time!
Soren turned away. He never wanted to see her face stricken in such a way again if he could avoid it. With a sigh, he addressed the man next to him. "I will consider your suggestion, Marcel."
Fantasy · SteamyWriter
Those were his orders, sure. But that's not to say he listened to them, since his pockets are lined from different coffers.
The Broken Soul and Strings of Fate
Fantasy · SteamyWriter