

male LV 15

nothing worth sharing.

2019-12-06 入りました United States
バッジ 23

Moments 2895
1 days ago
Replied to J_a_zzy

I get that you need us to like it but if it is something that helps you enjoy writing the story more I think you have to do it otherwise you'll end up losing interest and you'll get burned out trying to just satisfy us all the time plus if you don't write it the way you think you should you may end up feeling that you compromise the work somehow and lose interest in it that way so do what you think is right I'm honestly happy with either one The store the story in this is very good if you take out all of these scenes I still think it's a great story I think these just add a more realistic honestly view of how things could happen in this kind of society so I don't think it's an unimportant part of the story but I think the story could still survive without it meaning you could release a rated r version or probably PG version no PG-13 at least.

Question :- Should I write this scene at a slow, detailed pace like this chapter, or should I speed it up by skipping ahead a bit and wrapping it up quickly?

The Omnistore System

The Omnistore System

Fantasy · J_a_zzy

7 days ago

I really love this story and I love seeing seeing him reconnect with some of his old partners and interact with his new ones I know it's not joining the family but I kind of like the idea of him picking up a couple allies at least from some of the sect quests that he's doing and even if they don't join the family just being I don't know what the term would be but allies I guess but more like the milf that he was with earlier and young woman that hired him I like the idea of him maybe not adding them to the family but becoming allies in the future or something I don't know I know it can't be all of them

18 days ago
Replied to CoolFire_12

yeah I just found another one that I sent to him looks like he got it pulled down but damn web novel needs put some work into making sure it's not stolen content I mean when it's freaking word for word copies they should be able to put it into the system and see if it's been used before it's not that difficult and they're certainly making enough money off of the authors to put in the effort to make sure that they're not helping someone else make money off of them.

18 days ago

so actually came across this story by finding the same story under a different name on web novel and part of the way through they had when they copied it from his web page and pasted it they had included part of an advertisement and chapter name and everything else including the web page and the author's name so I googled it and found his actual website let him know that the other one was on there and he said no I am on web novel but as it turned out this is his web novel not the one that I had started reading so I wanted to give him five stars on everything cuz I have been binge reading the help out of it on his website it's two bucks a month for pretty much unlimited access to any one book on his site there's higher tiers to give you more access I shouldn't say unlimited but it's so far I haven't been limited reading that book and I'm I don't even know how far and I am couple hundred chapters anyway highly recommend the story it's got a very interesting system I honestly kind of wish and then an MMORPG would be based off of this I'm not really sure how they would work it but if they could figure out a way to pull it off his leveling system his job classes and skills and stuff like that could be really interesting to set up a game with his system in any case while that is awesome I love the characters the world is really interesting and it makes you think about some stuff like the slavery in this is a lot different than what we had in the US in the past not that I was around for it but from what I've read about it it's it's it's a very good story it makes you think about some stuff but it also has some comedy and some some good sex scenes and stuff like that it's very enjoyable I'd highly recommend checking out his site you just Google his name a couple different ones will come up but the author's name is his website as well.

18 days ago

@SleepyGod you ok? no updates for a week is abnormal since I started reading.

25 days ago

maybe dabbles

25 days ago

I don't think dwindle is the right word here

26 days ago

wow hope they have options to help him

26 days ago

no that doesn't make sense now you said earlier you couldn't sense the living armors through it because if you did you'd sense one a certain distance away which you didn't so it meant that there was something else down here you can't now say that you are also sensing living armors because they aren't technically alive they are just moving and you've said that the skill before couldn't sense them

26 days ago
Replied to Asagrim_9

true but in their current situation it would probably almost guarantee her death or at least a very serious injury and might not really improve him because she's a close quarters fighter so really not a great skill look at the moment
