I have this sense of dread thay his ex only pretended to commit suicide and going to suddenly show up and cause drama. I really hope that doesn't happen. Every time a new couple forms they're my new favorite. 💕Luca x Amy 💕
good riddance
Will Shawn be a friend or foe? I'm hoping, friend 🤔
so ready for Henry's downfall
"Let's do that," he agreed, and they sealed it with a kiss.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
I feel like communication could have avoided this situation. instead of planning a surprise engagement, Harry should have brought up counseling and couples counseling when he first realized there was an issue. But then again, insecurities are a hard battle, Jade might have needed this blow up in order to accept for herself that she has a problem and needs help :(
"Enemy of my enemy is my friend." If Diana is truly out for her own revenge against Henry, then I hope her and Mia can join alliances to take him down together.
this makes me so happy. I hope we get to see Henry's downfall soon 😏
Jade needs to talk to her dad, or maybe another therapist to work through these feelings. Harry is right, getting married is not going to fix all of her anxieties. 🥴
One Wild Night
Urban · Miss_Behaviour