

male LV 13

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2019-11-29 入りました United States
バッジ 8

Moments 10
1 years ago
Replied to genelvo

he will in time prove why he's not known or brought up in the anime, and why the anime is more peaceful of a place.

1 years ago
Replied to Negative_Kun

haha, no this takes place before ash is born and a few of the other main characters from the show.

Ashley was a 5 foot 8 inch tall 16 year old with long bright pink hair, with quite the body to match her double D's.

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Fantasy · Johnathan_Hinz

2 years ago
Replied to Isaiah_1217

Thank you isaiah_1217. I've been having a rough year and to know that someone is at least looking forward to the next chapters and the future of the story is just the encouragement I needed to get back into this and put forth better content. Thanks again.

2 years ago
Replied to NvR_MnD

No I didn't drop it. I've had a lot of family things come up and haven't been able to give the story the love it deserves.

3 years ago
Replied to Jordan_Lockhart

No he's not evil but some of the things he will do later on in the story will make him seem cold and heartless.

3 years ago
Replied to Arthur_Gameplay

The main character is reincarnated, he can be cold hearted at time due to what happened to him and his grandfather in a forest close to his home town. He remembers some of his past life and some information about the Pokemon world. He can be very talkative but also at times he can be quiet to the point of creepy. This story takes place 2 years before Ash is born.

3 years ago
Replied to Brokedepressed

Steven is acutely 10 years old in this story and isn't at the skill he is in the show. He will make a appearance later in the story.

3 years ago
Replied to GodlyJudge

Yes it is in the Hoenn Region, but there will be a few places that I will be adding.

The time is 2:30 as of when Eric and Ashley left Slateport, heading north west so they could train.

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Fantasy · Johnathan_Hinz

3 years ago
Replied to GodlyJudge

yes and no she will still be able to be hit by fighting and normal types but she has the abilities of the Ghastly line, meaning shes able to sink into the shadows and eventually go to the distortion realm this way. Also I am not including fairy types or some of the other types in the newer games and show.

What type of abilities does this new Shadow Latias have? How much food does Eric, and Ashley have thanks to her Munchlax? how does Professor Oak know Eric? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time!!!

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Fantasy · Johnathan_Hinz

3 years ago
Replied to GodlyJudge

Yes. She is still Psychic and Dragon but she also has an additional types, ghost.

What type of abilities does this new Shadow Latias have? How much food does Eric, and Ashley have thanks to her Munchlax? how does Professor Oak know Eric? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time!!!

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness

Fantasy · Johnathan_Hinz