It was a good chapter. As for improvement of your writing, you need to cook more chapters, period...
Thanks for the chapter, man. I would apricieate it if you could describe how much munition and resources mc have.
Keep going at it man. This stuff have potential!
Hi man. Is there more chapters in your stash?
Good start, I hope that we will see some FEDRA reform by MC.
As always mc is just a static peace of furniture... Go girl power! This is so hilarious 😂, keep amuse me!
Here we go again. Anover author starting, next novel before finishing the first one.
This is good, keep your updates on!
Man thank you very much for your work but I have some concerns about the pace of your story. To much time wasted on, how much more chapters do I need to read to have any significant change?
Marvelous, your style and pace are just on the spot. Keep cooking these chapters, man. There is nothing I would change. You have story in your brain and style. Just give me your patrion...)))