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Just a normal reader passing by

2019-11-09 入りました United States

バッジ 8

Moments 39


Even in novels there is a pandemic😔😔😔😔


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Tsk tsk tsk, this is really too overpowered. It's actually the [Great Void Taboo Master]'s exclusive item! No wonder they complement each other so well. Link calmed his mind, took a deep breath in, and placed the ring on his index finger. Then, he started his first summon.

Doomsday Online: Supreme Blessing

Doomsday Online: Supreme Blessing

Urban · Jixia Academy's Half-Step Gentleman



Though he wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea, Vahn wanted the wrap-up of the routine to involve a bunch of the younger members coming into the arena to 'cuddle' with the 'terrifying' dragon. Vahn had the benefit of being surrounded by youthful girls, beautiful women, and innocent children. Even if people had inhibitions, they wouldn't be able easily rationalize that Fafnir was 'evil' if they saw it surrounded by cute, adorable, and beautiful girls. They might even be inspired to try and tame their own dragon to use as a 'chick magnet' in the future. Vahn wanted to fundamentally change the 'image' of Fafnir in the minds of others so that it became the symbol of the Hestia Familia and inspired confidence in others.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Fafnir, a dragon acting like a child is much😭😭😭

After watching the 'kids' play around for a bit, Vahn waved to Fafnir and said, "Okay, Fafnir, are you ready to begin our training for your big day?" Hearing his words, the massive dragon that was acting as a playground for the girls cocked its head and closed its giant blues eyes and said, (*Yay, lets play Vahn~!*) Vahn laughed and gestured for the other girls to step off to the side for the time being so he had plenty of space with Fafnir. Once everyone had moved out of the way, Vahn nodded and extended his hand out and said, "We need to show everyone that you're a good dragon, but was also need to make sure that people don't try to hurt you and the girls you're protecting. I need you to behave and respond to all my commands to the best of your ability, but also demonstrate that you aren't a pushover for anyone with bad intentions."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


I miss eva tho(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

Since they needed to be further away from the City so as to not draw attention, everyone got on Fafnir's back and flew around at a relatively slow speed while searching for a large enough clearing to conduct their training or, as Fafnir, Fenrir, and Tina seemed to call it, playing. Even though Fafnir was a colossal black dragon, it was still arguably the 'youngest' child within the group and was actually very sociable even though it was a dragon. Unlike Fenrir, Eva had treated Fafnir very well and had even taught it magic for four years within the orb. Though she could fly around on her own, Eva would often laze about on Fafnir's back as they drew lazy circles around the castle she had built and talked about Vahn.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Playing safe Vahn huh

Noticing the sad look that appeared on Haruhime's face, Vahn showed a kind smile and said, "Haruhime, you already know my impression of you, so you don't have to ask such silly questions. Just do your best and be yourself, don't worry about what others think. I really wish the two of you could get along better...after all, you're both very cute and I enjoy brushing your fluffy tails." Feeling Fenrir fidget on his lap, Vahn's smile turned a bit wry and he continued, "However, it's a bit unfair that you have two tails to brush, so I guess I'll have to spend twice as long on Fenrir to compensate...?" Fenrir began to dangle her feet happily as she mused, "Vahn is the best to Fenrir after all~!"

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Fenrir lead the way into the Dungeon accompanied by the kind Aki, the pleasant smelling Ryuu, and the new girl that smelled like dirt and trees, Riveria. Though she didn't know why herself, Fenrir knew that her Master was very concerned for the black-haired Cat Person. Her instincts were telling her she needed to protect Aki no matter what and, since Aki was very kind to her all the time, Fenrir didn't mind. As for Ryuu, she didn't like Ryuu too much since she was always around and didn't talk often. She knew her Master cared about the Elf and, since Ryuu smelled pleasant, Fenrir tolerated her. The last person, Riveria, Fenrir didn't like her at all, no way, no how. She didn't trust the mean High Elf at all and thought she was trying to take Vahn away from her because they got along well.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



When her Master had entered the Dungeon with Emiru and Maemi on the first day, Fenrir had been in low spirits from the very moment they separated on the surface. She hated when her Master would go away and it always made her feel anxious inside of her tummy as if a powerful hunger was going to take control at any moment. Because she didn't want to make trouble for him, Fenrir pooled her courage and decided to beat up all the stinky monsters in order to vent her worries. She knew that, if she performed well and killed lots of monsters, her Master would praise her a lot when he returned.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Though they still dodged what they were able, they began using the non-vital areas of their body to fend off some of the attacks coming their way. As a result, by the time the fight had come to an end, they were very exhausted and the vast majority of their equipment had been torn apart or stained by blood. This was the final nail in the coffin and Vahn resolved himself to make armor for the girls in the future. His OP pool had dwindled to a pathetic 3,294OP at this point, so he didn't have the option of giving them anything from the shop. There was also the fact he had already gifted them the halberds, so they wouldn't be able to make use of it even if he could purchase armor for them.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



While thinking about possible designs, Vahn was watching Maemi and Emiru fight the group of five Minotaurs. Unlike the indirect fighting style they employed in the past, the twins were now somewhat 'overbearing' in how the approached the fight. They still circled around the monsters but, instead of whittling them down with grazing blows, they now drew large arcs and cut deeply into the bodies of the Minotaurs. The physical attack power of the halberds was quite high so they were able to cleave large parts off the Minotaurs with each attack. Emiru had even cut more than an entire meter into a Minotaur when she had angled her halberd and slammed it into the collarbone of the monster after it tried to smash toward her. The reason this was significant was that it was a blow dealt when she jumped back to evade the Minotaur, which meant she hadn't been able to put her own weight and momentum behind the strike.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



The only incongruity seemed to be because of the rest of their equipment. The girls were wearing tight black shirts with small white shorts hugging their waists. They didn't wear stockings, so their legs were bare until reaching their socks and dark-brown boots that went more than halfway up their calves. They also had a pair of armguards and several belts and pouches for the items they kept on their person. When they didn't have Vahn's 'support', they had also been carrying small backpacks and looked like the traditional 'scout' or 'thief' type Adventurers.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Thats totally weird lmao🤣🤣🤣

"I don't know... You were blessed with such pretty features that maybe it would too creepy if you grew up to be a buff man. You would just look like a woman with too much muscle... Kakakakaka..." Lucius continued laughing when picturing a muscular Greyson. Finding his laugh grating, Greyson grabbed Lucius and dropped him off his shoulder then continued walking away.

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


When I was 5 years old, I don't remember anything lol

Greyson rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Sorry, but I'm a boy not a man. I'm not dumb enough to try to physically win over you." With that answer, he ran off leaving the bandits far behind.

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


OP character lmao

"Lucius, I see blue, green, brown, gold, black, and a little bit of red and purple! What does this mean? Can I use seven different elements then? That doesn't seem right." Greyson quickly questioned Lucius as he could not understand the myriad of colors around him.

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


Why did it become windy so suddenlt

Rolling his eyes, the cat exasperatedly retorted, "Is that seriously the best you could come up with? You must really be a baby human. Let me think of one for myself. How about Lucius? I think that's a pretty noble sounding name. A perfect fit for a wonderful being such as I."

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


Everything has its limits tho LMAO

If Greyson could wake up, he would protest feeling wronged. The cat obviously didn't tell him about the limits of magic power, so how was he supposed to know that it would make him faint.

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


A move of desperation LMAO

Trying to move on from his previous failures, he started to stare intently at the tree in front him. In his head, Greyson begged the tree to move. He stared so hard that he felt he was going cross-eyed. Guessing that he could maybe feel the tree more if he touched it, Greyson came up to the tree and placed his hand on it. Nothing again. He waited and waited while touching, even hugging, the tree. Nothing.

Genius Seventh Prince

Genius Seventh Prince

Fantasy · LazySky


here comes uncle

And behind him were Kevin and his companion earlier, with their faces beaten blackk and blue.

Fate Online: Shadow

Fate Online: Shadow

Games · ApocalypseX
