adam from records of ragnarok
I would chose to combine gojo eyes with Adam's eyes
if you marry someone under the age of 18 in another country then move to America can you get arrested? also same with elves if your human and marry an 100 something old elf is that illegal if there is an age of consent there question for today that is all
Starfall was surprised with what just happened but decided not to think too much about it. Would Luna really have feelings like this for him? He'd have to wait and see but he wasn't opposed to the idea. It's not like they were related in any way that mattered, and she was beautiful. Her age, with Luna being immortal and all that, didn't matter either. She didn't have a mindset of an old person at any rate and like they say...'Age Is just a number...'
TV · Blacklares
*faceslap and instead autocorrect!!!!!
TV · Blacklares
wouldn't it be muzzleslap into of hoofslap cause faceplate is the face not handslap
TV · Blacklares
can someone help I can't find the *******
can somehow help me I can't find the *******
"How do I know he's not the real one? He is wearing glasses. Yes, I used my brain for that," Haley said smugly, pointing at her head.
Redoing My Life (Modern Family)
TV · Illusiveone