wait a minute with his sith hacking, could he hack decepticons/autobots?
in the Star Wars comics he explained that Darth Vader refused to heal himself, or to have more advanced armor. It was then that Palpatine himself offered to have him build more powerful armor. but he refused in order to atone for the mistakes he made, and to never forget his loss of Padmé. he uses the pain his armor gives him to strengthen himself through self-hatred and anger to become stronger.
it can be found on fanfiction(.)net I forgot to specify it
I highly recommend Coeur d'Arlan who definitely writes great stories, I have rarely laughed as much as with ''Knight of Salem'' each scene with Tyrian being hilarious. I also really liked ''the beast of beacom'' where the protagonist is not jaune for a change compared to most RWBY fics. but adam. or even ''service whith a smile'' which is one of the best slice of life I have read with Jaune
or maybe it's his child who will come to find him, it could be interesting.
personally i don't really like the mc, i find him uninteresting and stupid. I'm much more interested in the translating and rewriting work you do, so good job and I hope you keep up the good work.
I am for you to remove some of it's sarcastic comments. I think it has too much and it makes it unnecessarily unpleasant.
despite the pain of having to wait a month for the sequel, i'm at least glad the mc got a ticket to (rwby) which is a world i love. with some favorite mechanics and waifu.
Author, I have a question. will the mc have a padawan, if so will it come from the marvel side or the starwars side? if possible don't make it another conquest of the mc it will probably be too much.
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
Movies · AlienWarlord