I can’t believe this completely unexpected barrier breakage happened oh well guess we will never know what happened here that day
Time to see what the Gu Guy looks like... maybe....
The Unamed God Vs The Sun! Tune in next time to find out what happens!!!
When you see a guy get stung by your super deadly gu to no effect and then that guy is friends with the guy you “killed” and swears revenge
Snails be scheming
So who wants to bet he gets lost?
Oh the Dwarves are ready to stir stuff up
Oh nooooo a “slave contract” what will our MC do now! *said very sarcasticly/smugly know what happened with the last slave contract*
Oh how the turns table!
Lets see how he fairs in the Gu court of law!
The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys !
Fantasy · Zombie