

male LV 10


2019-10-09 入りました Pakistan
バッジ 10

Moments 961
10 months ago
Replied to Aeogical

1 years ago

The novel seems pretty interesting, and, I can comfortably say that this novel has the potential to find a snug position in the upper echelon of WebNovel. Definitely a treat by WebNovel standards.

1 years ago
Replied to Rillik

I was so confused for a second lol, made me redownload the app

1 years ago
Replied to _Bruh

Thanks man.

1 years ago
Replied to HypnosGodofSleep

I was curious?

However, the more intense his reaction was, the more convinced the viewers were that he was indeed guilty of these vicious acts. More than two million viewers in the live broadcast room were in an uproar.

Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Urban · Twenty-Eight Peanuts

1 years ago

Tbh, while all of her concerns are fair the way she's putting them makes her sound like a self-centered person as well.

Why DIDN'T I think of that? Why did I immediately jump the gun and assume he was evil?

An Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

An Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Book&Literature · EnderGolem997

1 years ago
Replied to UDead1234

??? to ??? to ??? to ??? to ??? to ??? to ???

'Maybe the epic rarity comes from the rarity culture back on Earth.'

My System Academy

My System Academy

Fantasy · Mister_Writer

1 years ago
Replied to

Bruh.....did you perhaps not see the novel's title or the synopsis? I don't think it's fair of you to berate the author while it was you who recklessly charged to read the novel while overlooking the quite obvious signs of how this novel is going to be like. Also, do you really that the authors likes to be belittled and stepped on by women when virtually every harem MC is like that and if not that's not the case the MC is a blight upon the anti-hero genre being an edgy b*tch and a bleeding heart at the same time (no offense but I will cautiously place you in the second category based on what I've seen in this comment). So my advice is that you learn to identify what sort of novel you're heading into before being disappointed that it didn't meet your over the top expectations and to be honest with you I do find it quite weird that despite your apparent disdain for romance you still chose to read a novel like this. Learn to use your brain before reading a novel instead of wasting your brainpower on comments, we already know that's a scarce resource for you. To summarize all this s*it 'Grow up'.

1 years ago
Replied to LewdUnion

Brother, I am by no means an author but hey I do have some ideas so maybe in the near future

1 years ago
Replied to Ellora25

Nay dude it's alright, WN seems to deteriorate with every update, not your fault.

  • scrapped_nuhuh original


    Anime & Comics

    *Sigh* let's just get it over with ____________________________________________ Astra was an average joe who enjoyed anime. One day he went to sleep and never woke up. After what seemed like an eternity in nothingness he was granted the opportunity to be reincarnated by a ROB. ____________________________________________ I'm writing this fanfic so I can get accustomed to writing and bring some of my more original and liked ideas to life without completely f*king them over. I'm pretty sure no one is going to enjoy this fic and rest assured that I'm with you. ____________________________________________ Additional Tags UwU #This is Going To Be Shitty #Read At The Risk Of Your Non-existent Brain Cells

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