Ushi1111 - Profile


LV 4
2019-09-10 入りました Global

バッジ 12

Moments 151




Was he busy, what had he been typing for more than ten minutes? In the end, there was a sticker of a cute puppy hiding under the bed, "I did not need to take any exams. My family owns the school."

I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

LGBT+ · Dark_Scholars


I'm stuck on this one: The significant differences between the two are the playing rules. In rugby, there are 15 players on a team, while American football has 11 players on a side.

He was too weak to protest, shivering with every touch he got from the hot stranger. He grabbed him by the waist, pulling him into his intoxicating scent and grasp, making their fronts meet, making Kim unable resist, he fought so hard to pull away (even if he didn't want to), coming back to his senses under this hot seduction but he was too strong. The more he tried to escape, the more access he had with him, pulling his head and grabbing his hair in a type of way that made him understand the difference between rugby and football.



LGBT+ · Beverly_Spare


True. Teens are muddleheaded but how can adult be dumb enough to behave this way?

"I have been trying to. The fact that I am in the brim of death four out of the seven days of the week does not seem to help, does it?" Astor raised the tone of his voice. The only time he seemed to have something to say was when his mother was involved, he didn't care about himself that much after all but his promise to her, was the only reason why he remained here, why he didn't go rogue.

Stolen By The Moon

Stolen By The Moon

LGBT+ · Yaminoyosei


He can't see things clearly because of constant pain he feels. But changes are coming and I hope he can find some peace to rest and heal.

"People like you will also ruin this pack. Those who see injustice and think they're helping by offering pity but when the time comes they turn a blind eye. I prefer my brother rather than people like you. At least I know he will end up betraying me and won't catch me by surprise." He told her.

Stolen By The Moon

Stolen By The Moon

LGBT+ · Yaminoyosei


mayby to taunt other Kings?

Was this fate taunting him for choosing to deceive Asher? Why would the Mafia King even want to take him anywhere? He hardly spoke, and he didn't listen to orders.

Captive Mate BL

Captive Mate BL

LGBT+ · Aryna_Stan



Asher's forehead wrinkled as he stared intently at the black mass in his hold, trying to make sense of it.

Captive Mate BL

Captive Mate BL

LGBT+ · Aryna_Stan


perfect side effects and purrrrfect solution coming


"There is a reason Guides keep sessions to 15-30 minute intervals. Any longer than that and there is a chance for a rebound of sorts. We call it overextension or overexertion. With your Class, and how long Kellen was Guiding, there is no chance he's escaping side effects. Kellen here is trying to tell me that he is going to go about the rest of his day like nothing happened." She sighed, shaking her head as the Captain's grip on Kellen tightened further. She continued. "Side effects can vary for everyone, but for Kellen he usually runs a particular type of fever and is usually overly sensitive to touch of any kind. These are fairly common side effects, but are particularly awful. They can be excruciating without a partner, especially without an Esper. The only way to soothe the sensitivity is to gently surround the Guide in the Esper's power while touching the Guide. That's the only way to calm them. Even if this side effect is common, it can sometimes last for days." She sighed again, running her hand over the top of her smoothed hair. "I don't think that'll be the case for Kellen, even at his level, but he needs his rest. Even if it's with sleeping pills. Give me a sec." She turned and went for a large cabinet behind her desk. Kellen could feel the Captain's stare on him. He was clearly upset. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


maybe it is a fighting skill - enemy doesn't stand a chance if he is in a radious of 7 steps?

Everyone knows that for ordinary people, beyond seven steps the gun is fast, and within seven steps the gun is both fast and accurate; the idea that hands are faster than guns within seven steps is mere human fantasy.

Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Eastern · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim


I love the way author describes emotional chalenges and the bravery of our favourite sweet guide


He took a few more minutes to calm down, before straightening up, fixing his shirt and grabbing his jacket from one of the couches. The others watched him, their gazes amused at how drastic the change in him was. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


she has heart of pure gold


"Fuck. Well, I'm happy for you if you're happy. I just...I didn't think you liked the Captain that way. You never brought him up when we talked." Oh shit, okay. It was finally clicking what his parents were trying to drill into him. People were going to assume things. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


dangerous to Kellen's virginity


"I-I need some space." He pushed on his chest. For a second he panicked that he wasn't going to move back, but he did with another chuckle, raising his hands in a placating gesture as he moved away. Kellen moved to the edge of the couch, sucking in gulps of air as he tried to process everything that was happening. One thing was sure, the Captain was very dangerous, especially for his health.

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


Wow, that's a bold move.


"Do you even know what you're asking of me Mr. Woods?" His whisper was furious as he pulled the Guide closer to him. "You've only been a C Class Guide at this point. You've never had to do anything besides holding hands. Because we have a compatibility rate of 90%, holding hands isn't going to cut it for me for long. Soon, it won't be long till I'll be fucking you till you're screaming." His crass words only made Kellen's face heat. They didn't make his pulse race, not at all. Clearly, the Captain could tell exactly what kind of effect he had on him. "I bet you haven't even guided something through a kiss yet, have you?" Kellen's lips formed a solid line, pissed.

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB
