From what he could see, it was nearing the end of their battle so there was no need for him to step in. Turning around to where the two masterminds were, Hiroto squinted and took a pebble out of his pocket. Tossing it up once, he pinched it between his thumb and index finger, flicking it towards their direction at a ridiculous speed, causing his cape to lightly flutter.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
From within U.A. High School, All Might was going over some documents due to his job when he suddenly received a message from Mirko. Opening it, he coughed out some blood and fell off of his chair, causing the other teachers to look at him with questioning glances. What he received was a photo of a forest or… what's left of it.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
Can His quirk be copied?
"Ha! I don't believe it for a minute! We'll just find out on the day of the sports festival!" A person from class 1-B, Tetsutetsu, shouted as he climbed over the heads of the crowd.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
Nomu is chunky salsa my man
Everyone from class 1-A looked at each other, as the scenes of Hiroto beating the Villains and the Nomu replayed in their minds.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
"Hmm, this meat is 25% off, but this other one is 20% off, however it is higher quality… Aghh, this is harder than fighting." Hiroto said, facing his toughest opponent yet, Bargain Sale.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
Dovahkiin dragon born
"Oz... You just spoke in Dragon-tongue you know?!"
Movies · BoiGeorge
Wait did he share the map with The emerald trio?
'This boy truly does look up to me and seeing those innocent and excited eyes... I feel I need guide him in the future'.
Movies · BoiGeorge
Blood hunter is a matt mercer homebrew if i Remember correctly
Now he was in a dark place with only an altar in front of him, in the altar fourteen figures of himself with different gears and items. Looking to the altar he recognized all the figures, all they were classes of the D&D game, from left to right, were the figures of the Barbarian, the Bard, the Cleric, the Druid, the Fighter, the monk, the paladin, the ranger, the rogue, the sorcerer, the warlock, the rogue, the artificer and the blood hunter.
Book&Literature · Golden_Silence
Not having a chance to finish his sentence, a pebble smashed into the back of his head, knocking him out in one go and sending him face-first into the road.
Reborn as Saitama in MHA
Anime & Comics · Suploly