

LV 15

I have spent more tive on this app than I would like to admit.

2019-08-11 入りました Brazil
バッジ 32

Moments 585
1 days ago

The Dream Gate seems to be a strategic plan by Morgan that forces Song into a lose-lose situation. They can either let Valor continue to pull ahead by having a massive logistical advantage or attack Valor in the Waking World and by doing so lose the support of millions of people by extending the war to outside the Dream Realm. Since Valor started the war my guess is that most people that aren’t directly involved in the war are favoring Song so the shift in popular opinion might be more valuable than what Valor would lose if Song destroyed some of their logistical facilities. It would also give Valor a reasonable justification to start attacking Song in the Waking World while still maintaining a pretence of righteousness.

The servants of the Queen could not cross the vast collarbone of the dead god, lay siege to the King's fortress, and destroy the supplies arriving through the Dream Gate. However, they could easily stage a devastating attack on Valor's distribution facilities in the waking world, not caring about the collateral damage and widespread destruction such an assault would entail. 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

18 days ago
Replied to Nick_Sunless

The Shadow God being the least shady of the gods is pretty ironic

2 months ago
Replied to faiz_sharif

That’s an interesting perspective

He knew how the war between the gods and the daemons had started, and why. But how did it end? How were the gods destroyed? What could have killed the creator of death?

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

4 months ago
Replied to Argon787

Thank for the comment! The journey to escape depression wasn’t easy but I’m actually doing a lot better especially in the last couple of months. I got back to university some months after writing my last comment and this semester I finally started an internship. I hope that you are doing well 😊

"So what if you feel pain?" his mother said. "It hurts, but only for a while. After that, it slowly vanishes. What's the harm in confronting it? Pain only stays for a limited time, but the grey nothingness stays forever."

Lightning Is the Only Way

Lightning Is the Only Way

Eastern · Warmaisach

11 months ago
Replied to N3v3rMIND

Very interesting perspective. I guess that abusive training being constantly glorified in novels and by people with military backgrouds on different media has made me stop questioning if it truly is the best way to train. Even if it is in the short term, there is a very real possibility of health issues arising (ex. Burnout).

Khan replied with a simple goodbye before thinking about his position. He could definitely leave without suffering any repercussion, but he had no valuable destinations. Ecoruta was perfect for his current needs, and the idea of seeing a messy battlefield even intrigued him. 

Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir

Fantasy · Eveofchaos

11 months ago
Replied to Frisk_Pichi

I’m a little ashamed to admit that your previous message made me more angry than it should after so many years on the internet 😤😤😤. I almost wrote a condescending response back at you, but gave up after realizing that even in the event that I actually made you feel bad, it wouldn’t make me feel better and there would just be someone feeling slightly worse out there. Anyways, I appreciate the apology and I get that IRL can be truly troublesome very often. My affinity to escapist fantasy novels and the extreme density of power fantasy novels on this app are a testament to this. 🙃 I hope your IRL troubles get better. 🙂

A subtle scent of rot and slaughter followed the old man like an invisible mantle.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

11 months ago


"I want you to be proud of me. It's been a long time since someone has been proud of me."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

11 months ago


"No." Tezka replied. "I want to fight you at your best, just like it might happen in the future. I'm not interested in 10% of your power or any arbitrary number. You, me, 100%. Anything less and I'm out of here."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

11 months ago
Replied to Frisk_Pichi

What I mean is that the subtle ways that Sunny and Neph’s presence impacts the environment might be an embryonic form of their own future domains. The intensity of the changes a person passively causes to the environment seems to be correlated to how far they are on the path towards divinity. So my guess is that domains are just the next step in which this “indirect” influence starts to be a lot more powerful.

A subtle scent of rot and slaughter followed the old man like an invisible mantle.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

12 months ago
Replied to Frisk_Pichi

Thinking about it that way it might be an embryonic form of the domains that sovereigns have.

A subtle scent of rot and slaughter followed the old man like an invisible mantle.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree