

male LV 4
2019-08-06 入りました United States
バッジ 5

Moments 157
15 days ago

What is this original story that you keep mentioning?

In the original story, to better suppress Hades, Zeus had taken the Dark Crests, knowing that they held no value for him but would significantly weaken Hades if he possessed them. Moreover, Zeus had secured the Light Crests for himself, ensuring his own further advancement.

I Am Hades, Lord of the Underworld!

I Am Hades, Lord of the Underworld!

Anime & Comics · Mutter

7 months ago

I’m imagining his powers like the barriers in JJK


Concentrating, I easily managed to create a dome-like elliptical shield that covered me completely, which gave me a slight sense of confidence, as I now had a way to defend myself.

The Wanderer - A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

The Wanderer - A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Others · GodOfFreedom

7 months ago

Is Thors Enchancment like the Lightning Cloak from Naruto?


Each use of Thor's Enhancement left Brontes in excruciating pain, his muscles feeling as though they were being shredded from within.

One Piece: Ragnarok

One Piece: Ragnarok

Anime & Comics · Ragnarok98

7 months ago

Imagine if he could pour his lightning in the clouds and then multiple lightning bolts hitting every ship. Now that’s a “Lightning Pillar!”


Brontes, perched atop the ship's mast, spread his arms wide, and in an instant, a myriad of lightning bolts erupted from his body.

One Piece: Ragnarok

One Piece: Ragnarok

Anime & Comics · Ragnarok98

7 months ago

Would be awesome if he could copy Sasuke’s Kirin. While he’s fighting his opponent he would be cooking up Kirin in the sky.


The Rumble-Rumble Fruit's power lay in the swiftness and lethality of lightning. If the attack was fast enough, the opponent would have no chance to resist or defend. His battle with Sakazuki had given him a deeper understanding of his fruit abilities, but it had also exposed his shortcomings.

One Piece: Ragnarok

One Piece: Ragnarok

Anime & Comics · Ragnarok98

8 months ago

Good stuff, I’m not really to familiar with the original Greek mythology but I don’t think Pallas was ever in line with Hades no? I like that he’s gathering more allies, with all these gods/titans in his corner the more advantage he has and the more powerful the Underoworld is under his banner. Looking forward for more tftc!


As I looked at my new follower, I had to hold back a smile when I saw the disapproving look in Styx'seyes as she gazed at her husband, who was kneeling in front of me. I felt that Pallaswould be in the dog house for the next few days...

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Book&Literature · TheGreekMythosGuru

8 months ago


Hecate the Queen of Witches: The Daughter of the TitansPerses and Asteria, Hecatewas the TitanGoddess of Magic, The Mist, Crossroads, Necromancy, the Night and Moon. Often depicted as wearing a flowing black gown and surrounded by her Familia, Hecatehas two physical depictions in Ancient times she was depicted carrying twin torches burning with a green hellish flame, whilst having three heads each depicting the morning, noon and night. In modern times Hecateis described as having glowing green eyes that swirled with power, luscious dark hair that barely came to her shoulders. Her face was the vision of a Goddess beauty with alluring pale skin and features described as being ageless. And surrounded with a greenish aura that radiated strength.

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Book&Literature · TheGreekMythosGuru

8 months ago

Ketsuryugan? Or maybe the eye that the purple hair kid has?

'If it is the Byakugan… I would have to replace it.' I thought, praying for such a situation to not occur. The best possible scenario is that it comes from a clan not within the Leaf, although it would still be trouble, if Aoki is valuable enough at the time the situation arises, I could convince the elders to let him keep it… no, if that were the case I would ensure that Aoki would keep the eyes, he deserves that much at least.

Naruto: Subject #37

Naruto: Subject #37

Anime & Comics · _Wint3r_

9 months ago

Reminds me of noob saibot


Just as the ferocious punch was about to crush Moses's head, a pair of pitch-black hands, appearing out of nowhere, emerged on either side of the man's face. Then, they forcefully twisted his head backward.

I'm Really Not A Nen Exorcist (HxH Fanfic)

I'm Really Not A Nen Exorcist (HxH Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · God_of_Chicken