

LV 4
2019-07-17 入りました Global
バッジ 3

Moments 420
4 days ago
Replied to kessu91

Valid points, for the record Or-Gaule is not going to be one of those cockroach villains. The thing is, this isn't an SI, so Harry in Canon behaves like that most of the time. He'll grow out of it, and this arc is supposed to be that turning point where he learns to stop doing that.

4 days ago


Eventually, they were led to an old church, whose doors were completely blasted off the hinges. Making their way inside, they found Iris standing across from who they assumed to be Or-Gaule. He looked like a ten-year-old, despite the massacre he committed five years ago. He had long grayish-white hair and heterochromia; one of his eyes was blue while the other was red. He was wearing a hoodie and was grinning at Iris before his attention was drawn to the two of them.

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

4 days ago


The two of them ran through the city streets towards the place where Harry had sensed a person. When they finally caught up to them, they came upon an interesting scene. A knight, decked out in a full set of black armor, was tearing through waves of people with a large black halberd.

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

6 days ago
Replied to Vedora_Tempest

Not a harem

So yeah, if you couldn't tell I kind of hate the cliche where the MC can touch Rogue and she's instantly in love with them because he's literally the only person she can touch. Not doing that, and Casper is just going to try to fix her power instead because why wouldn't he? 

Marvel's Osmosian

Marvel's Osmosian

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

9 days ago
Replied to Storm2023

Godou didn’t get any taller by becoming a Campione, and while Harry is more muscular, he’s lean so it’s not obvious if he’s wearing clothes. I do think I need to add detail to their opinion on the difference in temperament though.

12 days ago
Replied to Takumoto

Ah, I should’ve made that more clear, Freed is dead. He didn’t have the Excalibur yet since Kokabiel hasn’t stolen them, but he was the first exorcist in the church. I hate when people make it so he miraculously gets away just to conform to canon.

Motohama looked up at her in surprise before he grinned. "Funny enough, that was one of my first thoughts when I found out what you were." Akeno looked at him, completely confused as to what he was talking about. "I can sort of build up a resistance to stuff that hurts me, it's how the fallen angel spears didn't work, but they were weak so I wanted to raise my resistance. I'd need you to keep hitting me with stronger light spears till I built up a tolerance if you're up for it."

Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

12 days ago
Replied to Takumoto

It’s a give and take. It’s more valuable to be able to raise his resistance with the only source of holy energy that isn’t trying to kill him than to hide something that would eventually be obvious. The biggest thing he has to hide is the fact that he has extra lives and becomes immune to what kills him.

Motohama looked up at her in surprise before he grinned. "Funny enough, that was one of my first thoughts when I found out what you were." Akeno looked at him, completely confused as to what he was talking about. "I can sort of build up a resistance to stuff that hurts me, it's how the fallen angel spears didn't work, but they were weak so I wanted to raise my resistance. I'd need you to keep hitting me with stronger light spears till I built up a tolerance if you're up for it."

Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

12 days ago
Replied to Takumoto

He's not joining one, and they couldn't reincarnate him anyway even if he wanted to.

1 months ago
Replied to Accel14

Mixed-heritage is a term in dxd lore that refers to both cases. A Devil who has one pure blood parent and one reincarnated parent is mixed-heritage , and a devil who has two reincarnated parents is also mixed-heritage. Honestly, I think it’s dumb naming but it’s canon so I used that term.

Julius had grown up within the Sitri household, although he'd hardly interacted with the main members of the family. He was a Mixed-Heritage devil, someone who was born from the union between either a reincarnated devil and a pure-blood, or two reincarnated devils. His kind occupied an awkward place in devil society; they weren't viewed as negatively as reincarnate devils by pure-bloods, but they also lacked the backing that came with being part of peerage so they largely fended for themselves as lower-middle-class citizens.

DXD: Biokinetic Devil

DXD: Biokinetic Devil

Anime & Comics · DanteMustDie

1 months ago
Replied to Abdiezmann

No, it’s an OC not an SI.

  • Faunus Through Dimensions (RWBY/Multiverse) original

    Faunus Through Dimensions (RWBY/Multiverse)

    Anime & Comics RWBY MULTIVERSE


    Kal Hyde knew he wasn't a particularly driven person. People had been telling him that his entire life; he'd never seen that as bad. He was a seventeen-year-old fish faunus who'd never managed to unlock his semblance, so he enjoyed his days of leisure while longing to see the world. That was up until he encountered a Grimm while swimming in the ocean, and in his panic, he created a portal back to land. From there, he discovered his semblance didn't just let him create portals to anywhere on Remnant, but he could even see into different dimensions and travel to them. Now, the laidback faunus had a whole slew of new places to travel at the tip of his fingers, and he was going to enjoy it.

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  • Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione) original

    Humanity's Campione (HP/Campione)


    4.8 最新リリース

    Harry had been looking forward to Dursley's trip to Italy. Even if they didn't really want to bring him, worried about his "freakishness" he'd never gotten to visit another country so it was exciting. Unfortunately, he ran into a member of a Mage Association investigating rumours of a Heretic God appearance, and it spiraled from there. Next thing he knew, he was facing a blonde-haired man wearing just a leaf, and he'd become a Campione - God Slayer.

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  • Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic) original

    Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

    Anime & Comics


    Motohama had an odd gift. He was able to tell a girl's measurements just by looking at them. It wasn't until he died that he found out that gift could do so much more than that. A spear of light stabbed through your chest and tended to leave you dead for good. For him, it didn’t. A dream of a stone hand, one that seemed to feel as though it was God's Hand, the only explanation he had. With it came a name. Heracles. Motohama is an underused character and the goal is to have him grow and change into someone with power. He will not be becoming a devil in this story. In this story, he's going to have two powers; a Sacred Gear that has to do with his Three-Size-Scouter, and he's a hero descendant of Heracles. Not the Heracles of DXD, but the one from fate. The Sacred Gear itself is not all that strong, more focused on skill. Any relationships that do develop in this story will also take time and progress naturally, not rushing to home base or stuck in a will they won't they.

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  • Marvel's Osmosian original

    Marvel's Osmosian

    Anime & Comics MARVEL NO-HAREM BEN 10

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    Waking up in an alleyway wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. Then again, neither was dying. Somehow, after I died I ended up in the Marvel Universe with the powers of Kevin 11. With how many powerful threats there were in this world, it wasn't going to be a peaceful stay, but if I wanted to live through it I'd need to get as strong as I could. 'Now, who's power should I take next?'

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  • DXD: Biokinetic Devil original

    DXD: Biokinetic Devil


    Julius Mercer is a mixed-heritage devil. His father and mother were both humans that had been reincarnated into the Lord and Lady Sitri's peerages respectively, so he'd grown up taught to be respectful to pure-blood devils and ensure he didn't make too many waves. His father died shortly after he was born, but when his mother came down with the Sleep Disease, he decided he wasn't going to sit quietly and live a mediocre life as a mixed-heritage devil. He'd get strong, he'd cure his mother, and he'd have life at his fingertips. MC is going to develop his demonic power into Biological Manipulation. He isn't going to join a peerage, and I'm going to try to develop more of the underworld beyond just the pure-blood houses that most use. MC is the studious type, by need more than anything since his power is so rooted in biology.

    3 Chs 337 お気に入り