Grammar mistake
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
Chapter 24, perk from storm manipulation
Afterwards, I turned my back and planted my hand into my chest - opening the Plane of Euthymia. It was getting loaded with a bunch of trash that needed cleaning. I wasn't the most organised of people, clearly... my hoarding tendencies were catching up to me.
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
That was only at the start. The last important thing was in the Stag and the Dragon chapter
It's in general, not necessarily the opposite gender
"A man who loves so few is bound to love those few more strongly than those who love many."
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
oki bye bye
He's levelling the second discipline skirmisher, so it can go above 100.
"The wildlings make for good and easy experience, at least," I said, feeling good about the surge in my marksman skill. I stared at athletics, intently. That sweet 100 was not so far away now. If I pushed myself, I might be able to reach it in this campaign…
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
Oh fair enough
She's the Raiden Shogun, alright. Why couldn't I get Ei instead? Even if this was all an illusion, she would be way more fun to be around.
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
"Unfortunately, there are only three present... but it will do. I shall also be fair; you will fight them one at a time. If you win and best all three in a row, I'll restore you as a Kingsguard. If you lose, well... you're not as good as you think you are. Or, mayhaps, you underestimated my Kingsguard."
Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven