Thank you for a caring man story! I am so tired of dads from violance with angry actions toward the mothers. Reading and voting.
Got an old 'thug joke' locally told for this...A man is being yelled at by his wife and after telling her to 'shut up' he says "that's 1" then turns around mad that the dog would not 'shut up' after the loud " that's 3" he shoots the dog...punchline is wife went quiet, usually told to someone before telling them 'that's 1' pointing at them.Breaking furniture, hitting cars and kicking chairs with person in it all usable...This 'anywhere' bonus means being nice, staying inside the lines will not give him new places nor chances to be him (free from gangster boss, bad boy image and humor gone with this chapter).
Did June loose his spine? No respected THUG allows name change like that...writer just turned my stomache. He started as a strong man not a wimpy kid, now he lets them rename. Dishonor to parents.
Wait a minute, there were no missing clothing just broken face written.
Guess the nasty Doctor saw this clip coming to him...
I am so wanting to see the 'acting' bit again get him attention. Now the things "themes" like commercials, movie bits and group singing contracts are opened up. Not sure where the young thug and our hero will meet for a fight but that is also going to be a nice idea for plot. Will it be clothing, food, cosmetics...the field of things he can sell is only limited to his right and wrong ideals. Guess they can mark off drugs, guns and violence as those were his last life junk.
Why couple choices only? I read and feel sorry for pairs. Married and had my 2 kids, can not say couples only way to live. You have to give up "me" ideas for compromising with a "we".Babies are NOT quiet, still things that leave uou peacefully alone.
The style is refreshing. Every piece of armour is possible. That is a Heram dream count. The weapons possible is in hundreds too, so now he must make a smaller choice group. Hoping he gets males too, that would make humor each time the male wants "masters love" too!
This time twist backward is "not" all that great. Dallas the television series brought back the dead, this is killing my reading desire...time rewinding is one thing he could do?
The laugh is for the comments, if you argue it is bad but are not writing then your words are envy.... But as a reader I enjoy this one, so show me your better written works or leave the hate in your tiny self centered cruel heart.
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