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2019-06-03 入りました Global

バッジ 7

Moments 300


😅😅😅 like the big bang bs? the most ridiculous thing is the evolution bs and the second thing is the big bang bs!

They are uncountable because, each moment, millions of star systems and galaxies are destroyed and then created again from the same matter scattered through the universe.

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Eastern · Chaos_Gray

Replied to Moon_Slayer169

dog can't give me a round of applause 🥴

Lin Lee took a deep breath, then spoke coldly, "In the harsh landscape of success, hesitation is the quicksand, mercy, pity, and compassion are the weights that drag you down into oblivion."

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Eastern · Chaos_Gray

Replied to Moon_Slayer169

stop barking dude and just continue to suck your milk. unless you're the author!

Lin Lee took a deep breath, then spoke coldly, "In the harsh landscape of success, hesitation is the quicksand, mercy, pity, and compassion are the weights that drag you down into oblivion."

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Eastern · Chaos_Gray


your mind won't turn blank while being enlightened! your mind will immerse and focus the new discovery while shutting off your sense of hearing to fully focus on it.

'Actually, it was only the delivery of a cheat code...' Zhou Heng smirked to himself, then he nodded. "Yes, just now my mind went blank, soon, I was able to perform my saber technique without any hindrances."

I Cheated While Cultivating

I Cheated While Cultivating

Eastern · Stellar Week Position


haha nice crack!

You have to take care of me in the future," Arthur mumbled while comically clinging onto Alec's legs.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


having parents isn't a leash for the mc. he can make any kind of adventures without killing his mother! a ridiculous start!

Heartbroken, she returned to the Gordon family feeling dejected, Thankfully, my loving grandfather, the Patriarch of the Gordon family, took care of me after my mother died during childbirth.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


dropped! mc is acting like those mc in indian slomo movies!

That was the switch and Amden's mood took 180 degree turn. To insult his Cilia when she had justed came out of death door, his anger flared.



Urban · Graviele


this family is really naive! they're making enemies out there and here but they didn't even disrupt the possible alliance from those elite families after they'd showed off their so-called powerful family. a passive family without countermeasures for the possible sanctions and family extermination.

Lily continued without turning, "Record everything. Let the world know the consequences of touching a Vantistart. And quickly prepare to take Cilia to hospital." Because of the injuries they couldn't rush her by flying at high speed and could onky used vehicles. No matter how desperate she was she needed to wait few minutes before their people arrived.



Urban · Graviele

Replied to Alejandro_Plaza

wow! fanatic? really? those scientists who lied about their findings and so are the people who made theories about God being bad. you think you're an atheist but you're just being lied by satan. you're making satan happy without being aware. sigh

In this Great Zhou world, it truly is a low-martial world; the realm of True Gang is the end of the martial path, with no higher power existing, and all those myriad celestial and divine myths are but empty and illusory, the figments of human fantasy,

Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Eastern · Forget to wear a vest

Replied to Alejandro_Plaza

Haha! BigBang, Billion of years, and Evolution are all BIG AND BS LIE. Those denial and liar scientists wanted to free themselves from THE GOD and MOSES. Before radiometric dating was available, many people and scientists had estimated the age of Earth to be only a few thousand years old. But in the 1700s, Scottish scientist James Hutton used some ridiculous method to come up with a ridiculous conclusion. Hutton's book, Theory of the Earth, published in 1795, made people doubt the earth was 6000 years old. Lyell's book, Principles of Geology, published in 1830, made people doubt the flood. He wrote a letter to his friend and said that his goal was to "free the science from Moses" and then the most ridiculous thing finally came out — Darwin's book, The Origin of Species..., published in 1859, made people doubt the Creator. there are many examples that debunked those ridiculous claims made by those ungrateful scientists who denied their Creator just to elevate themselves as an extraordinary individuals without God. 1. Earth's Magnetic Field DECLINED 10% every 150 YRS. so, 7,000 YRS AGO EMF was 32X STRONGER and 1,000,000 YEARS AGO it would VAPORIZED EARTH. 2. RECESSION OF THE MOON — it recessed away from earth 2 INCHES A YEAR. so, Just a few million years ago tides would have destroyed the earth twice a day! Be very careful and study the Bible and your salvation because we're sorrounded by lies and Satan's greatest lie is to make people believe that he and God don't exist.

In this Great Zhou world, it truly is a low-martial world; the realm of True Gang is the end of the martial path, with no higher power existing, and all those myriad celestial and divine myths are but empty and illusory, the figments of human fantasy,

Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Eastern · Forget to wear a vest


wow! more chapters author!!!

Aethelwolf almost failed to conceal his glee when he heard this. 'These savage beasts are really easy to fool.' He laughed coldly in his heart.

The Herb King

The Herb King

Eastern · Malignant

Replied to Dune_Lone

then you read all the way to the end and stop barking.

Bai Haoxuan, Baili Yi, and the others nodded. With their current strength, killing some Black Mountain Sect disciples in the Transforming Origin Realm was manageable, but they wouldn't stand a chance against a Golden Body Realm expert.

Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation

Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation

Eastern · Sad wind turns the sunset
