Webnovel Author: BonAurevoir - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13

Please go check out my new main account "Phantom_Voyage."

2019-05-30 入りました United States

バッジ 19

Moments 3372

Replied to DBS_Heroes

I ended up deleting it. It only had like 3 chapters so not much was lost

I made a new novel to help cure my writer's block and it kinda worked. Go check it out, it is called "The Journal of a Random Omnipotent Being." For some reason, it doesn't show up in my profile but it should show up if you look for it on the search bar. There is only one chapter out so go check it out, it should only take a few minutes.

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to JTGTitan_96

There can only be one Rizzard Wizzard in the party, and that's Mr. Fairy Type himself, Lucas. Too much Rizz and they wouldn't be able to get anything done lol. The actual reason is that my friends and I sat down a while ago to work on a party for him, so I have the entire party planned.

I believed that the main reason he seemed to have such a developed intellect was due to his psychic skills. When I first saw him moving a spoon with a strained face from a distance it had all clicked in. I had heard that all children that developed such skills became a bit quirky, so that explained it all.

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to dylan_pyle

You do know you don't have to keep reading if you don't like the story, right? lol

Geld, using his Gourmet skill, created snake-like creatures that would rot anything they touched that launched towards Saturn. Yet, sensing the danger she did her best to dodge them. She wasn't sure what they would do yet they seemed to track her every move. Taking a look at the gigantic spider that was now struggling to walk she jumped and used it as a shield.

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to JTGTitan_96

In the fight or flight fear response I would say that dragon types would probably lean more towards fighting back whenever they are scared.

In order for a pokemon of his type to grow to their full potential, they either had to be surrounded by ghostly miasma in a place that had a lot of death, like the pokemon tower in Kanto, or to experience the pressure of other dragon-type pokemon and learn to adapt and resist it. Another alternative for the dragon typing was to continue to combat stronger and stronger enemies, but that option was a bit limited to me until I could start my journey.Thankfully, Carolina had been thinking of ways to help me since the phone call, so she sent one of her Garchomps to the lab near my house to assist in pressuring the little one.

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to JTGTitan_96

Either Ground type or Dark. I think his persian is his closest pokemon so probably leaning more towards dark

In my opinion it was quite rare for a human to be anything other than a "normal" type. But everytime a child was born with an innate typing it was a good sign they could become a great gym leader in the future.

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to JTGTitan_96

Might cross his party for some time, but probably won't be one of the final members

I believed that the main reason he seemed to have such a developed intellect was due to his psychic skills. When I first saw him moving a spoon with a strained face from a distance it had all clicked in. I had heard that all children that developed such skills became a bit quirky, so that explained it all.

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to Flygonboy_127

New account, BonVoyage

Replied to Pino_3

Though I appreciate you enjoying the Knight story. It was one of my stories that never really got any recognition, so it makes me happy whenever I see someone reading the few chapters I had put up.

Also, for anyone who read my Tensura story, I am also tempted to do a rewrite because of how freaking bad the second half is. It's the same deal as this one; I updated the last chapter to be the announcement if you want to check it out

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to

I'm sorry, as of now I don't have any plans to continue the hollow knight story. Like with this one, I might change my mind and pick it up again, but that will probably be after I finish my other stories. So probably not until like 2025.

Also, for anyone who read my Tensura story, I am also tempted to do a rewrite because of how freaking bad the second half is. It's the same deal as this one; I updated the last chapter to be the announcement if you want to check it out

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to Pino_3

Also, I am waiting until next month to give me some time to prepare the chapters and an outline for the story. However, I might go ahead and post them earlier once I feel like I have enough progress.

Also, for anyone who read my Tensura story, I am also tempted to do a rewrite because of how freaking bad the second half is. It's the same deal as this one; I updated the last chapter to be the announcement if you want to check it out

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir

Replied to

I look forward to restarting my storyline with the Power Stone journey. "This is a robbery!"


Also, for anyone who read my Tensura story, I am also tempted to do a rewrite because of how freaking bad the second half is. It's the same deal as this one; I updated the last chapter to be the announcement if you want to check it out

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir
