It's your choice, author. But honestly, I would like to see the outcome of this action. [img=update][img=Loving it]
1. No system, goes learning through accidental magic
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
TV · AbelWizard
Benimaru in Avatar: A child born in a common fire nation family indroctinated from young age with their beliefs, this boy named Benimaru will go on to become a fire nation commander will he conquer the world in chase by following the ideals of the Fire Nation.
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
one. . one is good
Now you can choose on either having a 2nd or not and whom the 2nd will be.
TV · L0rds2278
*Author Note: Hey I was wondering would you guys/girls be cool with me putting small details about Greek mythos, like a word of the day type deal, seems like it could be a cool thing to do at least in my perspective.*
Book&Literature · Joanjudo