omgisadrgn - Profile



male LV 4


2019-05-10 入りました United States

バッジ 11

Moments 264

Replied to omgisadrgn

Or like a part of Hinduism that refers to everything even the universe as a male and another that referred to it as female

Replied to IdiotsEverywhere

I’m pretty sure there’s like a whole religion that’s Hinduism but gender bent

Replied to EzioAuditore_1

Just joking 🙃

And then there's me Linus Ozias. The odd one out, the one that never really knew what he wanted to do. To be honest I went to therapy because I thought something was broken with me because I never knew what I wanted and I never seem to develop skills in any specific field.

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1


Bro stop calling me out

And then there's me Linus Ozias. The odd one out, the one that never really knew what he wanted to do. To be honest I went to therapy because I thought something was broken with me because I never knew what I wanted and I never seem to develop skills in any specific field.

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to Dicahrer

If enough damage is done to the body the body dissappears

I rinsed and repeated this process for a few hours, watching the stones pile up. I had basically found an infinite money glitch that was also incredibly dangerous, but I was still making quite a bit of money. The only problem is that the monsters are blocking the only exit most of the time, so you have to fully commit to dealing with each wave of ants. Eventually, I had to call it quits due to my sword, which had begun to literally deteriorate in my hands. Small shards of the blade sprinkled the floor around me while deep cracks ran through the length of the blade.

Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System

Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System

Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer


What about harem protag?

I stood gob smacked by the usefulness of this title. Without hesitation I toggled on [Aura of Nobility] and [Aura of the Knight]. The first was useful for keeping up appearances and communicating on common ground with people, the other was basically a bluff, something I may need to use due to [Knight of Justice]. Something I wasn't expecting was my title to be evolvable, since it was the first time I got an evolvable title.

Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire


Hey remember the card of the guy who turned his daughter into a hibrid between dog and person using alchemy tha he still has because he couldn’t destroy the card


I need to find literally the scum of Earth to feel comfortable about researching someone's soul. There's only so much the All Seeing Eyes can help with it.

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon



'You see Grimm, I say EXP.' Rowan thought as he followed suit, jumping out as well. On his descent, he made note of how far Shion was from his predicted landing spot.

Another Arc on Remnant

Another Arc on Remnant

Anime & Comics · Arokey

Replied to 41_Claws

God of high scho ol

Even more, if he learns the Flying Thunder God and awakens his dojutsu, it does not even have to be the All-seeing Eyes of God (he will temporarily it that way until I think there is a better name for it), the byakugan would be enough.

Solo Leveling: Group Chat

Solo Leveling: Group Chat

Anime & Comics · AllBullshit

Replied to Zehro_Juro


[REMINDER: This is where I start mixing DxD and the Fate series into Awakens. At the same time, Ichigo is in the Akame ga Kill world and that will be covered in Ichigo Awakens: Soul Conviction. Burn the Witch is already a part of Bleach canon.]

Ichigo Awakens

Ichigo Awakens

Anime & Comics · Teloch

Replied to JManM


Small look into the distant future and a play on the narration. I'll try to fit a couple more of these in before we actually hit 2076 so there is some narrative weight and pay off to them. Plus to build up anticipation. That's something I've been playing with in this story. Building anticipation without resorting to cheap cliffhangers.

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM

Replied to VirtuelGentleman

That’ my current schedules right now and it’s the night shift so I get a lo of idiots at my work place and also basically no free time for my hobbies

Alvin is an ordinary rebirth, a glorious 996 worker in his last life. After dying from overwork, I opened my eyes and came to London in 1980.

Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Anime & Comics · AsFBlack
