Webnovel Author: Equilibrium123 - Fanfic Collection



LV 4
2019-04-26 入りました Global

バッジ 15

Moments 2420


max level of 15?

[It should be somewhere around...one billion, four hundred and thirty four million, eight hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred.] Goldy yawned with a bored tone. [That is if you don't somehow manage to increase its grade and therefore its overall max rank.]

Alternative Stories

Alternative Stories

TV · Dark_light


offence lol


(I feel like I should take a fence to that.)

Alternative Stories

Alternative Stories

TV · Dark_light


is mc gonna pull a operation paper clip and be an idiot not expecting to be betrayed later on?

'Did I actually…?' Peter remained silent, his mind racing with the realization that he could control Zola using his Mechu Deru. He pondered the implications, his thoughts momentarily drifting away from the current situation.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


lol I know where this is going

"T-The door. You… You made me open it." Zola's digital face contorted with a mix of anger and anxiety. "You waved your hand and I was forced to obey…"

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord



"What the hell are you on about now?" He asked with an expression of clear confusion. "Are you retarded or something? I was asking why the hell we had to stand out here when everyone else is in ther-!" He wasn't able to finish sadly, mostly because he got cut off when a black tail wrapped around his neck and titaned sharply before he could react in time.

Alternative Stories

Alternative Stories

TV · Dark_light

Replied to ItzVatsal12


"I am Justinian Arcadius Valoris Valdor, God Empeor of The Imperium of Mars. Your people came to me before because of the power I have. From what I can see, you assumed that I would lack a fleet of my own, but that is not the case. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

Replied to Kumatsume

in earth 65 he is a villain from what I know

It also freed Murdock from Gwen's grasp and she pulled back the appendage. He stood up while coughing because of the dust as he patted his clothes, "Welcome, Ms. Spider-Woman, to my humble abode." He said with a smirk that made Gwen feel that he had everything under his control.

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7


how about you research mind defence you dunce

'Let's slow down and start small…' Alex thought, 'I first need to research the tomes about Cosmic Energy that are at Kamar Taj. They might already have some information about dealing with it sufficiently and I won't have to work too hard. I'll have to wait until Wanda wakes up for that…'

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7


just devour the celestial on hyrda earth and the planet goes boom too. Two birds one stone (also don’t say he can’t. In previous chapters he stated that he could destroy a planet by digging to the core and eating it)

'No wonder Celestials need to incubate inside a planet that's teeming with life for literally billions of years before they are born.' Alex thought, 'They have to accumulate a nigh-infinite authority over the cosmic forces and the only way to do that is through the use of an absurd amount of Cosmic Energy.'

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7




'I could learn a thing or two from him…' Alex thought, looking forward to devouring Captain America. Even though this situation was very similar to the Secret Empire storyline in the comics that Alex had read and absolutely loved, he wasn't aware of the intricate details. So he wasn't able to apply those concepts to his regime establishment, 'But now, I have a first-hand case study…'

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7

Replied to Polo_King

he didn’t mean to anyway he was using his subordinates at first but when rogue got in the machine did a wide blast effecting everyone including fisk

Fisk's eyes burned with a mixture of anger and resignation. He had no choice. His body was failing, and he knew Kai was more than capable of carrying out his threats. With a trembling hand, he reached under his pillow and pulled out a small, sleek card. "The access card," he muttered, handing it over to Kai. "The passwords are in the drawer, written down."

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

Replied to _Hori_

its not this, its jango fett’s ship

As they reached the hangar, Peggy's eyes widened at the sight before her. Peter's spaceship stood there in all its alien grandeur, its sleek design and advanced features unlike anything she had ever seen. "?!" For a moment, her earlier worries were replaced by sheer awe and curiosity.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


you keep blurting out that you are from another universe. Brother stop showing your entire hand to batman! Next thing we see later is that you will tell him you reincarnated lol

"I'll tell you but don't use it against me. After all, even if this is a trial run, we are now one." I muttered. I know telling the batman my weakness would probably be used as a contingency but since this is his early days, I was hoping he would be more willing to cooperate and use me to his advantage instead. "Its high frequency sonics and intense heat. As you can probably guess, no ultrasounds and such. MRI's are bit of a mystery to me but it still hurts so none of those as well. In my universe, sonic guns were weaponized to hurt our kind. But here, you still probably should avoid really big church bells or steel beams hitting each other real bad. As for high heat, I mean who wouldn't? I'd prefer not to be microwaved or cooked to death, thank you very much!"

Reincarnated as Venom in the DC universe

Reincarnated as Venom in the DC universe

Movies · Kenji_Makoto


bro got the ainz treatment

Ethan wasn't as shaken by this new revelation as he thought he should be. It felt like his emotions had been dampened. Even if they hadn't, he wouldn't have freaked out; maybe he would just feel a lot of excitement.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Anime & Comics · Berserk_Asura


victor torments logan by killing his loved ones on every single one of his birthdays

Peter looked over at Magneto, who nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Victor is free to talk with you at any time."

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


bro is setting up a fuedal system lol

'Each of those cities will be led by an Elite that acts as the Patriarch. Their families and guards are going to be the only Elites, so rather than bring them here, leave them where they are after you force them under that contract you love.' 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234


is he not afraid of xavier mind raping him?

Heading to the X-mansion was quicker than Kai had expected it to be, prompting him to wonder whether he should invest in a jet of similar quality. 

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

Replied to Master_Mask

being bald does something to a man I guess

"Baldy, I hope you play your part as the villain right..." Kai's laugh echoed through the apartment, a chilling sound that melded with the dying crackle of the fire. He leaned back in his chair, the warm glow of the embers contrasting sharply with the cold calculation in his eyes.

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet


pop a wheelie

Peter's smirk widened. "I guess you could say that I have an affinity for electronics," he explained, making the Professor's chair spin around in circles.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord
