unsure. Just got back from major health issues that still aren't conpletley fixed, so my headspace isn't really writing too much.
Aah, all those chapters, and all those months ago I was right. He came last so the MC could remain first, and then the exact meeting MC could beat him he came.
[The Final World Power score is 1500 points.]
Anime & Comics · Marioni
Poison types are great, idk what's going on here LOL
"The second reason is strength. Although I'm reluctant to admit it, many trainers pursue powerful Pokémon to become stronger, and Poison-types tend to have lower overall strength compared to other types."
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
When un supressed it was 100x in Canon.
Chakra Reserves: 5x Canon Kakashi's Chakra if suppressed (Like Yamato did.) ?????? When unsupressed.
Anime & Comics · BalancedSelfInsert
There will be one soon.
It's a theory, yes.
An amused chuckle left Orochimaru as he spied the clones using numerous techniques. The shadows surged towards him, the famed Yamanaka hiden tried to control his body, a titanic Naruko clone, the famed Sarutobi fire style, and he even had to break through a Kurama clan genjutsu! 'Impressive breadth, and all of them at the level of each of their individual clan heads, if not beyond. Truly, if she was a decade older I might have to take a moment for these Jutsu she's playing around with.'
Anime & Comics · BalancedSelfInsert
Yes, I know - but I couldn't figure how I wanted too phrase it even after I tried multiple times.
Her eyes blinked. 'Oh, right. Preliminaries.' Having completely skipped over the match between the two fight between a waterfall genin that the other genin waterfall Shinobihad managed to push into the preliminaries, and who she was sure was Dosu from Oto - a grimace crossed her face at the next matchup. 'Choji Akimichi versus Jirobo of Otogakure'
Anime & Comics · BalancedSelfInsert
This is such a fucking weird way too start a story
Why "Jew" all of a sudden, you ask? And you try to talk to him for more than five seconds and any native of our humble planet will have in his mind the image of a smart peddler, typical in appearance and with a local colloquialism. No, Watto didn't speak Hebrew, but that didn't change anything - his habit of selling anything, of answering a question with a question, of always being busy with some commercial business of his own.... Yes, definitely Watto was canonical to the point of being anecdotally Jewish. Even if Israel is unimaginably many parsecs away, it doesn't change the character. And the habit of incorporating words from his native tongue into his speech is characteristic.
Movies · FanFictionPremium
it's Black Zetsu.
"Zetsu." Sitting at a ramen stall, he didn't even look as the black plant-like creature appeared next to him. "What is your report?"
This Isn't Canon! (Or that time I reincarnated into an AU-Naruto)
Anime & Comics · BalancedSelfInsert