Ding Dong, Ping Pong. Is next sister Sing Song
"Junior Brother Ping Pong, you can do it!"
Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
Why uncle's wife's son? Is it not the uncle's son as well. Similarly daughter's husband's son. So is it his his step-step-grand-niece?
"Shh! I heard from my uncle's wife's son's daughter's husband's son that this guy is the new disciple of Fairy Guxie!" a man whispered in a hushed tone.
Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
My man this chapter takes the cake on subliminal suggestion that chinese literature is the greatest
I think by now all web novel users have gotten into the habit of ignoring propaganda. And that says something 🤣
The overwhelming strength of the China's Trainers has made it a no-go zone for many poachers and criminals.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
It was a progressive increase in boasting. Initially it was just pride, then it became ego, transformed into fantasy and ended in impossibility.
The overwhelming strength of the China's Trainers has made it a no-go zone for many poachers and criminals.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Isn't levels 30-39 Professional ?
Ability: Technical mastery
Anime & Comics · Thenamealreadyexis
Shiny spearow in HGSS. I think from the headbutt encounter table. Killed it by a critical hit.
(Seriously, how many unlucky people have had a shiny appear, only for it to run away or faint? Not me. I've never encountered a shiny until now, so I've never had to deal with those disasters... suddenly feeling a bit sad.)
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Ah Torchic. I remember my first Sapphire run with Torchic. I only had Blaziken trained in my party. The Moveset was Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Mirror Move, and Overheat
Considering the early Gyms in Hoenn, Chris knew that Mudkip was the easiest choice, followed by Treecko, and Torchic being the most challenging.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Author-san. This chapter needs editing in the middle of the chapter the name changed from the English names to Chinese ones
Not sure how it became an acronym but PUA - Pick Up Artist
No wonder Aizen first 'pua-ed' Hinamori Momo before recruiting two loli subordinates in Hueco Mundo.
Bleach: The Invincible Slacker from Rukongai
Anime & Comics · Garuda_Translation