He’s panting even though he didn’t struggle at all
When the explosion finally ceased, the energy field that had surrounded Adam dissipated. Silence hung in the air, as if the universe itself had paused to absorb the impact. Adam was panting, his body exhausted after releasing the energy of a sun in a single blow. His vision was blurred, but he still remained standing, Susanoo's sword in his hand. He knew the price of such power would be high.
Anime & Comics · AdamKadmon
It was in season 2 while he was in Alaric body
Possession: Vali can basically possess people, but this can leave his body vulnerable and his Original Vampire powers are stuck with his body, the rest are soul based. So no compulsion when in another body, unless they're also a vampire, though since it isn't an Original Vampire body, he can't compel other vamps.
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Nah he compelled Katherine to torture herself
Possession: Vali can basically possess people, but this can leave his body vulnerable and his Original Vampire powers are stuck with his body, the rest are soul based. So no compulsion when in another body, unless they're also a vampire, though since it isn't an Original Vampire body, he can't compel other vamps.
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
It’s too early right now for me to really give my thoughts, I will say though that i like this first chapter keep it up
Seems like you took our advice author this chapter was a lot better
I love it the tvdu is one of my favorite verse
Do you want me to still continue? I'll probably ask this till chapter 10. Seems by then I'll truly know if enough people want me to continue.
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
I can respect that
Samael suddenly cried out with a roar of agony as images, sounds, memories of a life past came to him, and so, he remembered.
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Author you need to try and skip some useless info, the novels losing its charm, like we don’t need to know every time they make a facial expression
Shit took over the website there’s no originality anymore
Marvel's Solar God
Movies · Karq