His hesitation gave way to joy. Viktor began to walk faster, then broke into a run. His speed and strength were leagues beyond what they had been.
Video Games · Light_lord
Kozaburo held the completed blade aloft, its gleam reflecting the moonlight streaming through the smithy. "Behold, Sode no Shirayuki," he declared, his voice filled with pride and reverence.
Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele
"Majestic Destroyer!!!"
Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele
[155] The Last Stand (VI)
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Low basketball iq
Originally, my uncle had high hopes for him because of his physical condition, but because of his low golf quotient, he hadn't made much progress for three years in high school. He lost his main position in the original school and was forced to transfer to the Christian College.
Celebrities · GodsChildForever
"The Last Supper!"
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Really should be Fuguki Suikazan
Kyōichi, Konoha’s Life Mentor
Anime & Comics · Zingher