"Oh, I got you covered. Ever heard of Pop-Tarts?" Darcy recommended.
Movies · thelightedghost
"Great," Tony muttered, rolling his shoulders. "Because one homicidal maniac in a mech suit wasn't enough—we needed a whole tag team."
Movies · thelightedghost
"You like to play with power, da?" Vanko sneered, his thick Russian accent cutting through the chaos. "Let's see if you can handle real power."
Movies · thelightedghost
"By the way, when I talk to you, should I look at the patch or the eye?" Tony quipped.
Movies · thelightedghost
"What, Bruce, you're actually Batman!" Dick blurted out, his brain scrambling for something to say.
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Bruce, who hadn't bothered to continue concealing his identity since he hadn't fully removed his armor, shot Dick a look that was enough to make even the most stoic Green Lantern shiver.
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"Can we please focus on the fact that SHIELD's director just tried to exorcise me?" Samael asked desperately.
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"Oh, it is," Natasha confirmed. "The Theological Threat Assessment Division has weekly meetings. Jenkins brings donuts."
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A scream pierced the frigid air. Thor turned just in time to see Loki standing over Jane, his dagger pressed against her throat.
Game in Marvel
Movies · thelightedghost