Liu Shu answered with a proud tone. "Of course I am good! Would I be able to dominate you as I am if I were not this good? Hehe, I bet you like it~."
Fantasy · Mortrexo
collecting em like pokemon...but why leave em!
Yet there remained a group of beautiful women who would often gather at the empress' palace, gazing up at the starry night sky, as if waiting for something.
Anime & Comics · Dao_Of_Heaven
from now on, I'll gib you my rock stone.
[A/N: So who wants to be mentioned in the message boards? Also gib power stones. I need them to show my friends how COOL I am.]
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
thanks for the chapter~ Banzai!
I like this arc dude idk why I feel like it's cute 🥰 thanks for the chapter
author....Update Please
Really like the development of the story,just hope that Kenji or whatever his name is and the elder who help him get 'revenge' won't really do any damage to da girls...I mean their master is portrayed as dangerous and not to be provoked so it's really not cool if the idiots really did some damage on them..But anyway like the story and the flow keep it up author,don't make it a tragedy tho as I like them fluffy scenes and ofcouse slice and life scenes and action 5 stars for ya hardwork author 😉😉
Yaayyy~~rejoice as thee author has new chapters Thanks Author~~~
she's already thinking about it lol
Verdantia exclaimed, her face serious. "I prefer length over thickness! I don't mind at all!"
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos
Fantasy · Mortrexo