

LV 14
2019-02-01 入りました Global
バッジ 10

Moments 1113
11 hours ago

Is it just me who didn’t like his “confidence” I get it as a mission to get the girl as likes one off or if he was angry. But I much preferred his personality before where he was chill af Loving this story so far and just hope he doesn’t start fighting with other teams all the time constantly shouting that he his the best. Let actions prove it and others preach about it. Already a beast and he knows it. Doesn’t need to show it off

11 days ago
Replied to Suiijin

Yeah I get making it a skit but you have to do it for something that makes sense and out of the mc’s control. Potions is all about memorization and intellect something that the mc excels at. Even touted early to have a near edict memory.. If you wanted something more skit like it would be something like magical animals don’t like him (except ravens ofc) this could then lead to the mc playing on it and speaking about how ravens are the only good animals etc

12 days ago

Why hasn’t she taken the god cards?

18 days ago

I like the story but it seems it all comes a bit too easy for them. Therese no real challenge at all… For example, with a near all knowing mirror it would surely know that it’s not the queen that it’s speaking with. Is it not meant to be tied/have a connection with her? If not would the witches of the coven not just do the same thing that the mc did? They have been made out to be way more powerful so you can’t say they don’t have the power to do it.. Over all has been a great story so far. Refreshing to see something so different! Just wish there was a bit more of a challenge

1 months ago

This is disgusting to read, why so many words in bold… totally unnecessary and just makes it jarring af

2 months ago

Yeah the wide wing playmaker is def some bs hahaha doesn’t make sense either as the opposition coach would be able to easily block him outta the game

3 months ago

Always fun when the author kills there story 😂

4 months ago

I don’t like knocking someone’s work they put into the story but for my this was an absolute waste of time and I don’t recommend it personaly. I thought the premise was a good idea that would lead to an interesting plot and interactions with the characters of hazbin and a much more cool Adam. However… all this story essentially is. Is Adam killing everyone in hazbin, no questions asked just goes on a rampage and kills everyone. What is the point? It isn’t a story just a murderous rampage. Yeah this is not for me, I like reading for a story not for this. Gl to the author but not for me ✌️

5 months ago
Replied to Lucinda_Hacker

Doesn’t bode well for the story at all if even the title is wrong… it’s the easiest thing to get right haha

5 months ago

Very well written for a fan fiction. My main problem with it is the war arc makes little to no sense. He needs to go out and gain experience? Let of steam? This is when he has been training in the jungles for months previously… The other thing I find highly annoying is how the female lead needs to magically equal to the mc. Fine if you did this from the start cause then that’s part of her character. But now we find out she is gonna leach off of the mc being bonded to his soul and get a magical boost from her bloodline that magically appears. The main problem is that instead of the people around him having there own opportunity’s to better themselves they are all literally leaching off of the mc to keep up and provide nothing in kind. Just shows very poor storytelling, hmm maybe that’s not the right word for it. Just lazy writing

  • Pokemon Legend - August Ketchum original

    Pokemon Legend - August Ketchum

    Anime & Comics SYSTEM POKEMON

    This is the legend of August Ketchum and this is his story. He was born 6 years before Ash, born to a small place called pallet town. He will have a system but only as a status screen, which will also scan his pokemon however nothing else. This story will not involve a harem as I have grown tired of every novel/fanfiction having them. Just read the start of a pokemon fanfiction and decided that I want to have a go so some things may be similar (such as the idea of different coloured auras, which signify different abilities) but will completely different once you get into it. This is mainly because I remember barely anything about pokemon, so I will be researching/watching the anime as I go along. Do not worry however as I will not follow it completely, it will be more of a general direction. I will mainly use it for what gyms come next, locations of pacific pokemon, etc Feel free to comment on your ideas, as I may use them if it's interesting.

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