maybe read replies as well. I'm referring to the fact that he is watching dragon ball on tv in modern day
He turned on the TV and it turned out that today they were showing one of his favorite series... Dragon Ball! Yes, it was the anime he had grown up with.
Anime & Comics · LordPhenex026
i guess this guy was kind enough to not want to be a murderer so he braked huh
The driver saw him too late. Slammed on the brakes. Tires screamed, smoke curling up, but Mark didn't move.
Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed
grey in 30s? bro is under some serious stress
With that, Beau, the captain of the team took them through some group stretches and warm ups. He was a big guy, sporting a short-cropped beard and had wide shoulders. Judging by the streaks of gray in his beard, he was at least 30.
Sports · leeroycgna
exactly what i was about to say, although ken i would say you still got quite bit of maturing to do yourself
Was he not the exact same? In his previous life when he was injured, he turned sour and pushed people away. If they were comparing maturity, the old Ken would have been far worse than Rohan.
Sports · leeroycgna
red is such a good color though
After getting changed into the uniform he'd received yesterday, Ken laced up his cleats and made his way onto the field. The jersey was red, almost crimson. It stuck out, and Ken didn't really like the color.
Sports · leeroycgna
i might be misremembering it then
The Universe shall learn to tremble before him once more.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
thing is what im considering is whether future trunks' timeline is future of this one before it diverged due to him time travelling or is it one where ajax does not exist altogether. both options are possible, its up to author tbh
"Another failure… He's just a human. What makes him so special…?"
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
yeah so thing is he was already 'training' himself mentally due to torture that those fairies gave him mental toughness, maybe he will have better ki control from the start so his golden frieza form wont have stamina weakness thats the most i can give to him in hell progression
The Universe shall learn to tremble before him once more.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
we are so cooked if he succeeds, cell is about to become so much more broken
"Another failure… He's just a human. What makes him so special…?"
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
from 1 year and half to 3 day upgrade ig mission was worth it?
'Ignore it… I'll get answers in 3 days.' Ken told himself. He was in the middle of a game right now, so he needed to focus on the present. Although he'd completed the debut mission, he wasn't about to slack off now.
Major League System
Sports · leeroycgna