

LV 4
2019-04-28 入りました Global
バッジ 5

Moments 425
2 minutes ago

When it says he can perfect all the powers of his lineage what does that mean? cause it's never actually confirmed in planetos if any family has any powers that's part of their bloodline just strongly suspected and it's only obvious for a few family's, he's a Stark and a targaryean so does that mean he has fire immunity or immunity to freezing, can he bond with any animal including dragons and still grow that bond? or perfect his powers of foresight seeing into the past, present or future by greenseeing or dragon dreams or a mixture of both or any elemental powers he might have from iether bloodline and what other powers might he have cause hasn't house martell married into house targaryean in the past so could he have a connection to water as well

And thirdly, on your journey you will have to choose a few companions. So, I have granted you the ability to give your blood essence to three people who are willing to bow down to you. Although the essence will not make them as strong as you but will definitely make them much better than an average human.

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

TV · book_paradise

20 minutes ago

So greater strength of body, useful in medieval times,but is that on the level of some of the strongest men in planetos body wise? like Robert baratheon(prime), the mountain or hound or is it peak human in every way like captain america?. Improved talent for any weaponry or fighting, he was already a good and experienced swordsman in the og series, he just needs to make the most of it by training with all kinds of weapons in all kind of ways armed or unarmed and minor health or vitality boost to 3 people

And thirdly, on your journey you will have to choose a few companions. So, I have granted you the ability to give your blood essence to three people who are willing to bow down to you. Although the essence will not make them as strong as you but will definitely make them much better than an average human.

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

TV · book_paradise

35 minutes ago

What to think and what to do

The was overwhelmed with all what he learned and was still confused on what to think and what to think, it was as if some voice was booming in his mind.

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

TV · book_paradise

3 days ago

Please don't tell me your choosing your old enemies and th*t over another valyrian house and some potentially loyal subjects, glad to see your not repeating your ancestors mistakes😭

3 days ago

Yeah has no threatening past against you or your family, of valyrian heritage definitely waifu material😉, unlike Arianne the spoiled girl who shares her bed with whoever, wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole

To be honest, he really liked this girl who resembled Jennifer Connelly, especially today. Shinelli had carefully dressed for the occasion, her crystal-clear collarbone exposed like a masterpiece. But Viserys had already rejected Arianne, and if he didn't treat her fairly, it would create a rift with House Martell. Moreover, she was Feles' sister.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

3 days ago

Revealing your intentions to illyrio is a very risky move depending on if he thinks your just stupid or mad and will end up killing yourself, but revealing this in front of oberyn who has already seen you are capable of actual magic and your teaching him this magic(Stupid) when your whole strategy of not being controlled and used by him and his family is having dragons to counter them not that it helped his ancestors next level of stupidity🤣

3 days ago

Yeah teaching magic to the martells, the descendants of the rhoynar, the family that murdered and possibly tortured your ancestor, who you have a very shaky untrustworthy alliance with at the moment, no way that could backfire glad to see the mcs not repeating the same mistakes his ancestors made, being arragont, overconfident and stupid😭

"Don't worry, I'm sure I have the talent for magic!" the Red Viper declared confidently before slipping out the window. Viserys smiled as he watched him leave. He had a certain fondness for people like that. A clear-cut personality was attractive everywhere—no wonder so many women had fallen for him.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

4 days ago

I hate when the mc come into the planetos with powerful wishes but then immediately starts to ingratiate himself with others, he's a dragonlord possesses lost knowledge of forging and Magic and has a talent for weaponry why exactly does he need to grovel to the so called nobles of the seven kingdoms who hate magic on principal and as part of their religion and will only spy on him, steal from him and then definitely betray him

We encountered numerous ships, some of which had red and gold sails, matching the armor on skeletons aboard. I surmised these were Lannister soldiers who had come to plunder Valyria. I sought the famed Brightroar but to no avail. Returning their ancestral Valyrian greatsword could easily ingratiate me with House Lannister. Alternatively, I could forge a new one to sell or gift, depending on the circumstances. They possess nothing of value to me, yet fostering good relations with other houses is beneficial, which is why I endeavored to locate that sword.

Last True Remnant of Old Valyria

Last True Remnant of Old Valyria

Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar

5 days ago

I thought I judged it to hastily and he would go through a big change around chapter 30 so I got the full patreon membership and yet all he does is start acting unbelievably arrogant and disgusting like daemon or aegon, acting completely self important, going from aparantely cowardly and afraid about the dance to completely arrogant and disgusting and yet still playing the game of thrones and still practically no information about his system, frankly it was a complete waste of money

6 days ago

I would have nothing to do with any of them viserys is a weak king who had maybe one admirable moment in the series, daemon is unbalanced and there's no low he wouldn't stoop to and rhaenyra has no idea about or talent for governing and corlys is just unnecessarily ambitious and his family do whatever he thinks is best just for there house