
LV 4
2019-01-01 入りました Global
バッジ 3

Moments 291
3 days ago

remember buterfly effect, the entry of someone new make some event be different or not happening.

After a few minutes of disbelief and ranting, he finally calmed down and decided to understand and plan his future. He thought, "All right, I guess I'll be known as Kaida Senju from now on. Unlucky fellow to lose his life to someone transmigrating into him. I wonder how that even works! Anyway, I got a lot of information from his memories. His parents seemed to have died in Kurama's rampage, and he was incredibly lucky to live. And after being admitted into the orphanage, he was examined by Root to see if he could be taken in. Lucky me that they didn't choose him. Hmm, since Kurama's attack took place a year ago, and since he is 5 years old, it seems I'm 4 years older than Naruto and his generation. All right, that gives me more time to train and gain power. The Uchiha massacre should occur in around 7 years, the Konoha crush in 12 years, the Pain attack, and the 4th Great Ninja War in 16 years. Wait, what's this feeling?"

Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Anime & Comics · FirstHokage

3 days ago

someone actually realised the reallity, their situation in that world is not fun and dandy.

"Fuck! I transmigrated! And into the fucking Naruto world of all places! But how? I don't even remember dying. Don't you need to die to transmigrate? And damn, transmigrated from that safe world with rules and regulations into this deadly world full of cunning and powerful ninjas. Due to that disease, I always wanted a new life but never in my wildest dream did I imagine having this as my new life."

Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Anime & Comics · FirstHokage

1 months ago

why they always called it blue star? it's a damn planet called earth!! only take one word not two.

"This damned yellow-skinned bastard is from the same mother as the capitalists on Blue Star."

Doupo: From Insignificant To The Emperor.

Doupo: From Insignificant To The Emperor.

Anime & Comics · Taichu

1 months ago

earth is a planet, not a star

He wasn't a character from the original series, but a transmigrator from Blue Star, reborn in Konoha.

Naruto: Swarm System

Naruto: Swarm System

Anime & Comics · Betek

2 months ago

i see the logic there.

This technique was quite tricky. Even Kaguya couldn't tell Naruto's shadow clones apart!!

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Anime & Comics · electronatom

5 months ago

is a mental thing

I know I can't really stop them from making what they like, but it's frustrating. We are biologically made to attract the opposite gender why the fuck would you fall with the same sex?

Multiversal: The Shop

Multiversal: The Shop

Anime & Comics · Charlottes

5 months ago

i dont even bother

No matter how good the story in my eyes, the fact that the main character has a gay relationship immediately becomes trash in my eyes.

Multiversal: The Shop

Multiversal: The Shop

Anime & Comics · Charlottes

5 months ago


You guys probably won't care but I'm homophobic as hell, I don't understand why the fuck is gay relationship is a thing. I couldn't understand the appeal and would never ever be.

Multiversal: The Shop

Multiversal: The Shop

Anime & Comics · Charlottes

5 months ago

madara aprove!!!!👍

In this accursed world, nothing ever goes as planned.

Multiversal: The Shop

Multiversal: The Shop

Anime & Comics · Charlottes

6 months ago

becarefull with your health

hope you understand, I don't want to make excuses, I promised daily uploads but I'm sorry, it seems I overestimated myself thinking I could pump out 14 chapters a week.

Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_